Jimmy's Advice Show is back

17  2014-06-04 by EskimoEscrow

What do you guys think?


I think the show would be better if it was people calling in and giving Jim some fuckin advice.

the advice show on ron and fez?

I don't listen to Ron and Fez so that reference is over my head, amigo.


Ahh alright. I have only heard a few Ron and Fez segments that were brought to my attention thru this sub or thru the show (the cakehorn and stand alone fruit stuff comes to mind). They seem to have a good show but I am usually not around a radio when it's on.


Somehow I think I kinda understand what you are trying to say. O&A is the high octane fuel and R&F is the regular.

O&A are a polished, middle of the road Alt. Rock band

R&F is a sporadic, jam band with psychedelic influences.

R&F is Phish? And O&A are Nickleback?

Just so you know, I literally loled at this comment.

Thanksh. And I kill on Shtage too!

Serious Jimmy is horrible radio.

It's not like anything was working with him.

Shits hard. Imagine having to talk for an hour about nothing and no one talking back to you.


Earlier on O&A: Mocking sexual addiction as a cop out apology.

Later on Jimmy's Show: Caller is a sex addict and needs to seek help.


now with bonus hypocrisy and elitism!


Damn, what a technical disaster. They should Jocktober this tomorrow.

Ooof. Not a good start...

... And it ends with dead air.

always with the fucking meetings. people must only want to hear themselves on radio because jim's advice is as useful as a persons memory, it provides no new information. i'm guessing a handful genuinely hope for a good practical piece of advice beyond the stupid 'attend a meeting' but that ain't coming through the door, namean.

I listened to 3 minutes. Meh.

jimmy is handling the technical disaster better than i would, cool that he's doing it from his kitchen though

Painful to listen to.. I feel bad for Jimmy but he is doing the best he can for sure.

Not testing the phones before a new show? This is not how you Executive Produce. Poor, Jimmy, the staff hung him out to dry.

technical difficulties?

no wai

Join a program.

I think I really don't like Jimmy like I used to. He has delusions that if he white knights for some pathetic semi-celebrity, that they will actually fuck him. Anyone hear when he was white knighting Monica Lewinsky and Ant called him out. He also sucks at anything besides tranny and pedo humor.

Oh no... Jimmy must be pissed.

you gotta give jim credit- he is handling it.

What a fucking disaster!!

I think your addicted to Jimmy's advice show is back. You should go to a Jimmy's advice show is back anonymous meeting.

Whether you like the show or not it is nice to see some more original programming on the channel.

This is a total clusterfuck.

Bet he wont think this is a prime timeslot once he's off air

so i don't listen live. what is on the channel from 11-12?

Fart noises.

Anyone got an upload for it? I wanna hear what I missed out on. Of course, a 30 minute clip of a fart would probably be more entertaining.


I don't think someone is disqualified from giving sound advice on addictive and self destructive behavior, such as drug abuse & suicidal thoughts - because they don't have a degree in Psychology or Behavioral Therapy. Hell, some of the most sound advice I've ever heard regarding addiction and handling suicidal thoughts have come from recovered addicts. However, whenever the topic of a mentally-ill person, or a celebrity having issues with drugs and alcohol are discussed on the show; and Jimmy goes on his rants with vehement hate in his voice about how they should kill themselves. That's what disqualifies him from turning around and attempting to give advice to people calling in for his show.

The show SUCKS.


Wow these people have been in radio for so many years and yet can't master the technology of hooking up phones.

Somehow I think I kinda understand what you are trying to say. O&A is the high octane fuel and R&F is the regular.

O&A are a polished, middle of the road Alt. Rock band

R&F is a sporadic, jam band with psychedelic influences.