DAE think the show sucks now?

31  2014-06-04 by FaroutIGE

Cause I don't. Bitch.


I considered posting this from a throwaway account or a masked IP, but I'm done hiding:

I still look forward to the show everyday.


There's a lot of us, but we don't feel like being faggots and making it the subreddit's issue. I couldn't give a fuck what was wrong with that day's show I thought it was funny.

Congratulations on coming out of the closet.

I envy you

So Brave.

What's wrong wit da show we got?!

What some of them other shows? Ugh..Stern....Ron and Fez....John Boy and Billy

they listen pretty good!


uh, Humbuh n Fred ...


I hated the first 3 hours of yesterday's show show so much that you made me check out John Boy and Billy on Youtube to see if they were worth listening to. Congratulations sir, you've convinced me that bad O&A is still better that inserting the audio equivalent of feces into my ears.



Rain or shine, I'm a fan regardless.

"You know, Jose Feliciano, you got no complaints."

I enjoy it.

I feel like Jimmy used to bring in his friends who weren't at the time well known and they were great. Now they are all either dead or too busy to do the show. Its like they lost the "just hanging" feel that made those earlier shows great.

I still listen every morning, and I love the show

I have been listening since '06.

Loved it then, love it more now.

The show was better when...

...I heard it for the first time and didn't just naturally get burnt out after years of listening.


I still love the show but I hate 90% of the posts in this sub.

Why hang out here then? Unless you are looking to piss yourself off.

I don't hang out here. I scroll thru my front page and usually just skip the posts complaining about the show. I haven't unsubscribed yet because sometimes people actually want to discuss something that happened on the show. I enjoy that and I still enjoy listening to the show.

Same reason cunt bags complain about the show and still listen.

I don't even listen to the show. I'm a YouTube fan. The O&A I'm familiar with, where Cellar comics trash each other for hours, doesn't even really exist.

Same here.

I'm now more of a Ron and Fez fan than O&A, the jokes there are less predictable at least. And fez hardly talks which is a plus.

"Shotgun to the face", "hopefully there's a dick in that girls pants", hidden liberal PC bullshit. or - "we know good radio!", same joke repeated twice though it only got sympathy laughter, "i don't get it, i really don't"

Ant's the only reason I still like the show anymore. He's brilliant. Jim can be funny, but half the time he just reuses the same jokes or comes off as a whiny bitch that thinks he's on some higher moral ground than everyone else. That gay wedding cake angle really was the worst. And opie is just horrible at everything. So, the show doesn't suck, but it's not great.

Is Fez still quiet? So that meltdown and second chance didn't change him? Shocking.

I personally don't think the show is un-listenable or horrible. But after listening for many years it's evident the quality has degraded from a few years ago. It's similar to hearing the latest album from your favorite band and thinking, "This isn't as good as their last couple of albums." I still like the show - there's just certain aspects I don't particularly like.

EDIT: a word

The show is good. It's 20 hours a week of spontaneous entertainment and it all can't be perfect or be everything to everyone in the audience. It has highs and lows. Been listening since 2006 and also listened when they were on WAAF. I like it.



I thought yesterday sucked but overall I still love the show.

From a bigger picture, the show's still great - rarely would I listen to something else over OnA in most days. (And if I do, they're usually podcasts).

At least it was better than I think around 2012 or something, when management complaints were at an all time high.

Oh that's coming soon with October right around the corner. It's a tactic to get mo money.

I find it entertaining... Most of the time.

I think the show is becoming too predictable in what happens, and sticking too close to its guns rather then trying anything new. Its listenable, and occasionally you'll find a gem, but it seems like the more time goes on, the more I just want to hear the interviews or guests arrivals because honestly, that's the only time when new stuff is allowed to happen.

Not worth paying $15/month for.

I love these guys, been listening since 07, and I still tune in to just listen to them yammer about whatever. They still do it for me.

What I am getting a little tired of is the laziness of just going through yesterday's viral videos and spending 2 hours on celebrity apologies. They can do a better show than this.

Having said that, I'm going to keep listening.

Doesn't suck. It isn't perfect, and it can be hit or miss for certain people at certain times (like with literally anything you'd find), but they still do plenty that's fantastic.

Nah I love it.

I still love the show for the most part, but continuing bits that don't work. Repeating political views when we all know what they are and have for years and the general fact that they don't actively try and better thier situation and just complain is what gets to me. I would say I enjoy 80-90% of each days show.

...try and better their situation and...

FTFY Shrabster33 :)

Please don't hate me. I'm only a simple bot trying to make a living.

You just don't get the bit. Show's passed you by etc.

The only thing I hate about the show is that Steven Singer. That freaking guy and his amazing prices. He has my wife and or girlfriend expecting a diamond or gold dipped rose for every holiday, even the small ones. If that isn't bad enough the mother fucker doesn't even hang out on the right corner of 8th and Wallnut!

Past 2 days been good. But the previous week was dog shit.

guarantee you are a fairly new listener because thats the only people that make these gay posts, give it a year and you will stop making excuses for them.

i love the show but it still sucks a lot of the time, i just know they can be better than this.

You're a gay post.

God damn

If you love the show you don't consistently hate it.