The fanbase is becoming irritated... Why not attack the show "jocktober" style to voice your displeasure?

22  2014-06-04 by [deleted]

It sounds like a lot of you have become really fed-up with the direction of the show as of late. Why not voice your displeasure to the show instead of bitching to a bunch of dopes on an anonymous message board?

The guys have always said "it's only a matter of time before they turn on us." Why not turn on them for a day or two, and see how the fuck they respond? For all we know, it could turn into a funny bit and create and some great radio.

In short, voicing your displeasure about the show on here really isn't going to accomplish anything.


Complain on Twitter you get blocked Get on air and complain you get mocked, yelled at, or hung up on Complain on here and you get ignored because they don't read it or Opie turns it into a 15-20 minute show opener about how the haters don't get the show and it's passed them by in which he ends the 20 minute speech with "whatever". They aren't 3 guys who take well too criticism, it's a waste of time.


The pests should attack the Sirius Facebook Jocktober style

And all they need 2 do is block people from posting on their wall

What the fuck is this a boyz-2-men song?




Because being called "baby-boy" and yelled over isn't how I like to start off my morning.

yeah the boys cant take any criticism yet they are the most critical people i have ever heard.

they hate the only people that know they exist, i love how they talk about haters on twitter and shit but do they realize that its all fans and maybe some howard stern fans trying to rile them up, because if you dont listen to the show why would you tweet a host of a random radio show, i dont get why they dont understand that.

Because the complainers on this forum, along with the rest of the posters, have no talent. So, they'd get eaten alive by professionals, and rightfully so.

I wouldn't say that is completely true. If your response to a caller is HEY FUCKFACE, I NEVER DID THAT, YOU DOUCHE! while you talk over them, and then hang up on them, that's not really a win...

Also, volume levels are an unfair advantage they have on the callers.

No but if you call them and right off the bat say "HEY YOU GUYS SUCK THE SHOW STINKS" I can't imagine that's going to really make them want to listen to you.

The best evidence of this is when the people from this sub think they've grown a set of balls and decide to call up. Once they get on the line to deliver whatever heroic line they think is REALLY GONNA GET 'EM they hilariously bomb and eat their balls on the air. I think one of you dummies actually even apologized when you called up.

i'm going to call in tomorrow and rip them a new one about the apology segment i have had it up to here with the show if you could see my hand right now it is a good distance above my head i am very frustrated gropie and gaythony will feel my wrath you can quote me on that i will call them out and fix the show tomorrow they will thank me when i am through yelling at them

u go gurl


Call in and get talked over, volume turned down or hung up on.

Tweet and get blocked, ridiculed or a bunch of dickriders attacking you.

Yeah, sounds like a lot of fun.

The fact is, nothing's going to change the trajectory of the show. The boys aren't motivated and they're just going to phone it in as long as Sirius will pay them. (Same with Ron & Fez about half the time)

  1. This is a forum for discussion about the show.
  2. There is no outlet to complain the "right" way. What are you gonna do, call? Have Opie hang up for the thousandth time or maybe have anthony yell.

I really don't know what OP is suggesting, except that a discussion forum isn't the place for discussion.

For me it's accomplishing exactly what I want it to: killing time at work. I bounce back and forth from this to debating people over at the conspiracy sub.. boy does the time fly doing that.

There is zero chance it would turn into a funny bit, or it would be taken good-naturedly. For three guys who have built reputations on critiquing things and holding nothing back, they're incredibly thin-skinned (watch Norton, a man in his mid-40s, spend a half-hour fighting someone on Twitter for daring to think he's not funny).

I still love listening to the show when they're doing something I enjoy, but the best approach really is to tune out at the other times.

0 chance it would turn into a funny bit because Opie 'steers the ship'

Well then why not test them?

He is the most ass-hurt and sensitive of them all. He goes off and screams fuckface and all that. But I guess being a hot-tempered no-talent is "the bit."

I think you're confusing ~20 cunty whiners on this subreddit with the entire fanbase.

The proportion of vocal people on this subreddit correlates to a roughly equal proportion of their entire listener base.

Not really, no.

I just started listening again. I actually think the show is better than ever. Maybe it's because I've matured with the level of the current humor.

Welcome back 79 brother! Haven't seen you in awhile! Here's an up vote to bring you to negative three

The best way to voice your displeasure is to really just not listen.

Or go after their advertisers....

....with a rifle.

What? Sex toy websites? Boy Butter? It isn't like putting out a boycott on Sam Adams.

Don't be that guy.

Thirty people circlejerking on a subreddit is not a "fanbase."

But it is a good time!

OP got the title wrong: A couple of internet dickheads don't like the show anymore, ...

they should jocktober themselves all month this time

For me personally the show has lost a lot of steam. I don't want post shit like that because it's my choice if I want listen but I'm being honest.

You weren't glued to the radio listening to Opie talk about eating a cookie? Should he? Shouldn't he? What's going to happen next?!?!?

I want him to a eat cookie composed of razor blades and concentrated aids

I only listen to the bits people talk about that are good now. Soothes my hatred greatly. They don't give a fuck about feedback. No one likes the preshow and preferred the old format of the after show. Yet they do this produced nonsense where they replay sound clips before and after the show. If they cared about feedback they wouldn't do that garbage. So yea, shut the fuck up.

I don't think it would take much to make the discouraged fans feel better. I think we all really want to love the show -- I know I do.

If they (Opie mostly) would just take to heart a little of the criticism and admit when something's boring or not working on the air, I would be very happy and feel far less displeased with the state of the show.

...But, as people have already said, criticism of any kind = hater.

Yeah man, they get extremely defensive way too fast. Not everything is gold and while they are doing it they don't want to admit it but maybe a year or so down the line they'll rag on themselves for the shitty bit they did. I know criticism is tough and it's probably annoying when you are trying to put on a show and you are getting people telling you how to do your job, but when they are spending 30 straight minutes complaining about furniture or equipment or rehashing the same points day in and day out it has a feeling of laziness to it. I never call the show to complain or anything cause, like they say, just turn the channel (and I do when it gets annoying/boring) but when they are having great segments there is no better show out there so it's frustrating when they are wasting time complaining about their chairs instead of crackin jokes.

Keep in mind that Friday is "PHONE TOPIC FRIDAY".

I'm sure they would appreciate the callers giving their input on whatever topic they have that day.

To the faggots saying "But... but... if I call in, they'll make fun of me! :'("

Organize your shit with others and plan it in advance. Hit them all at once. If it works, it's funny. If it doesn't, nobody even knows your name or cares that you exist anyway so who is it actually hurting?

Are you saying Jocktober their Facebook page?



You fell for his joke.

Yes, but I think that's irrelevant to this discussion.

This was attempted by the boards back a few years. It failed and will always fail. They don't need callers and they don't need our approval because if one person doesn't like it, another will.

How about not because it's their show. It's not for everyone, even they say that. If you liked what they used to do but not like it now then go your own way and find something new, they are finding the direction they want to go.

Blah blah shows passed you by. Don't get the bit.

At least I can sit back and enjoy the show for what it is.

If at any point I don't find it funny or entertaining I won't waste mine and everyone else's time whining on message boards and twitter or planning attacks on the show.

Notice how everybody who said they have issues with the show also said that trying to complain over twitter or calling in about it was stupid?

Most of the people complaining have issues with pieces of the show, not the whole thing. There's nothing wrong with saying that the unfunny, uninteresting, straight up lazy portions of the show (pretty much everything political) should be jettisoned. They're doing the same thing they use to make fun of Mancow for.

Best way to voice your displeasure is to stop listening. If you are tired of the show, why keep listening. Just turn it off.



Maybe this subreddit has passed you by.



And all they need 2 do is block people from posting on their wall

Blah blah shows passed you by. Don't get the bit.