What O&A Channel commercial do you hate the most?

7  2014-06-03 by arobben

ME: Barracuda


The Pre Show. It's a 30 minute long infomercial reminding me of shit I already heard and spoiling shit I'm about to hear. (except I don't listen to it)

I work at night, and the worst is listening in the early morning before the live show. You hear yesterday's show, then Sam talking about yesterday's show on the post-show, then Sam talking about yesterday's show again on the pre-show. Same material 3 times in a row. Great stuff.

Adam and Eve.

"Fellas, have you ever wanted something sooooo bad?"

Yes, to punch you in the throat.

Her "sexy" voice is the worrrssttt

Enter code DULL. That's d-o-l-l DULL.

She sounds like a soul-less 80s ad at the beginning of a VHS Porn Tape. She would be more convincing if she had a normal voice. She makes you want to hit her instead of fuck her.

All of them. They are just so low rent and sleazy. The Ashley Madison ones creeped me out. www.cheatonyourwife.com isn't something I want to hear about.

That and the fact that I don't pay for satellite radio to listen to fucking commercials.

Stations playing the same song over and over again and pointless commercials like the ones on O&A make me consider canceling service.

I've not had it for a few months now for those reasons and now I'm considering going back but not sure if it's worth it.

Shade45 has really good content, they only play songs from their playlist briefly in between shows. I don't know what I would listen to if I didn't like hip hop

Off shore or automated phone tree support OK?

What's Your Price dot com. Fucking whores like that make good women like me look bad.

Shut up you filt'y HOOAH


whatsyourprice.com, but it's more of a love/hate thing. when the girl says "MEOW" i want to bite a hole through my steering wheel. that said, my girlfriend is more irritated hearing their commercial than she is chip, so i do get at least some enjoyment out of it.

Good man.

Chuck Woolery can take out his dentures and suck my ass.

It isn't gree-zy.

I wouldn't know. A nice man edits all that shit out of my morning download. :)

Is that the same one who tells you to pretend that your tongue is now a urinal cake?

Not everybody's landlord does that man, find a new place to live.

"fellas" whore and "Tommy z man" of famous smoke should both be necklaced.

i love tommy z man because he clearly has no one in his service brave enough to give him an honest opinion about his shitty commercials. it's like a microcosm of the whole opie situation.

I almost got a job there, thankful they didn't want me, I was desperate at the time.

Judging by your comments you're still pretty pathetic right now.

Good one.

That fuckin Cigar one, fuck that guy.

Tommy Semen, I think that's his name.

Barracuda.com — nothing is more irritating than fake advertising banter, especially the voice constantly saying "no". His inflection drives me to near madness.

I'd take any commercial over their terrible production bits.

Steven Singer. Seriously - fuck that guy and whatever the fuck he is selling. With the shitty public domain blues guitar, and the stupid fucking business name, I would rather die in an aids fire than purchase one of his faggoty roses.

It sounds like you Hate Steven Singer!TM

Barracuda because of that awful music bed that keeps stopping and starting. so enraging.

Will a new pair of shoes make you a better person? Will a new TV get you further in life?

Yes, a new pair of shoes allows me to walk better and stand for longer periods of time, which is of great importance to those hiring employees for shitty jobs. Then, a new TV will allow me to watch other humans interacting, and by mimmicking them, I can develop character and charisma, and then use those attributes to network, get promoted, make more money, buy better shoes and a bigger TV, and repeat indefinately.

That's exactly how I reason through that dumb commercial.

I'm going old school XM here but the"Tell them about the discount Harry" used to be the worst...

Barracuda wouldn't be so bad if they didn't play ads for like 3 or 4 of their services in a row. They're all shit, even the Getaroom.com guy.

Fucking Big Lou and whatever the fuck they sell.

"Call Big Lou, he's just like you!" No he's not, he needs to contract AIDS and die of "pneumonia".

Mysterious case of pneumonia

Most people seem to forget that these commercials for the most part are not specific to just o&a but to all SXM. With the exception of Steven singer jewelers and a few others.



The Runyan 5K that circles Yankee Stadium... Yes... We know... Same copy every year.

Tell them about the discount harry! Still haunts my dreams...

Yea, that Barracuda one is terrible.