give the pre-show to Denny or cancel it, give Sam his hour back after O&A

69  2014-06-03 by blockbaven

I want the Sam, DJ Whoo Kid, and Nicole show back


Been listening to 2006, and the boys were destroying Howard for having an after show. They even joked about having an after show for the after. Now they even have a pre show. It fuckin sucks.

I liked when he had that hour cause who Kidd and Nicole could come in and it was actually funny.

What else do you expect when the O&A channel has Stern's former VP.

I always found that funny. They make fun of Howard, and then copied his post show, and even once Opie almost called the super show a wack pack.

Ant has called Bobo, Big A, Lady Di, etc "our wack pack" on many occasions. The only people who still pretend it's not clearly taken from another radio show are internet losers who believe there's a real competition between the two shows.

Wasn't it the other day that he brought people in to pretty much say that's all the time I got. Such a waste when you get 5 minutes of it and then more shitty commercials

3 Day work weeks soon...

Still waiting for Who Kidd to say something funny

Also it's basically a punishment to people who heard the whole show. There's a difference between a pre show and setting up clips from yesterday's show.

All the pre show is is Sam playing clips of yesterday's show. It's really stupid.

Worst is when you skip the pre-show only to find out someone called in during it, and they reference it and you have no idea wtf they're referring to. OR they just start the fuckin show during the pre-show. Can the pre-show.

My daily habit is playing the ondemand app and dragging the skip bar as close to 36 minutes as possible.


Don't they start at 30 minutes ?

long ass intro usually starts around then

Ah, I get it from other sources. It must be edited to start at 30 minute mark.

I really liked Sam's 1 hour show.

Or better, Sam gets a job somewhere else. Enough with this zilch. He is basically a Ty Bentley or Todd Pettengill type "talent" who lucked out by hooking up with the O&A show. Good for him for riding it this far, but when when E Radio won't even hire you, maybe someone else should take notice.

just play a best of 30 mins before. this split shit is nonesense.

I still don't understand the pre show. Sam sounds like he's reading a script, and it's just playing clips from the show the day before.

Then you understand it perfectly

He sounds like that because that's exactly what the talentless cunt is doing.

You say it like it is his decision to do so lol

He's EP, you really think he's not making those decisions?

Sam reads from a script, plays clips and take callers because it's easy.


But that's the bit!!! {cackle}

I loved that show. It was great.

I couldn't agree more.

Would love to see the Sam, Whoo Kid, and Nicole Hour.

Preshow just isn't valuable and probably loses the channel listeners. People want to hear O&A at that time.

It's amazing to me that the pre-show callers offer more original content than the host does. Even if it's shitty content, at least hearing about fired-up hoagies is more stimulating than just replaying clips from 24 hours earlier.

Changing the whole show (which was working and had good feedback) because Ricky Gervais couldn't show his ass up on time was and remains one of the dumbest programming decisions they've ever made. The schedule worked out fine, Sam kinda needs someone to play off of to be effective, and not every show needs to be recapped in such detail. it's ridiculous.

Please don't mock our Lord. May the song(s) of the Hard Drive allow Him to ramp to the post. (Praise be) The Man Who's Name is Sacred: the last prophet sent to mankind. Praise to his miracle of self suck! Listen to the Hard Drive!

I like the fact that Sam's pre- and post-shows are devoid of content. Saves me from having to listen to his stupid voice.

Sam should just join the Hits1 Channel. He could sarcastically talk about pop culture and whoo kids amazing unpredictable hijinks all day long. He belongs there! I don't think they would allow his wrestling nonsense though.

That is, if only they (someone) would hire him.

I still think that if they absolutely have to keep the preshow, they should 1. rotate the host daily to keep it fresh 2. stop spoiling the main show.

I'm sure Opie and Anthony still set their alarms for the exact same time they did before and are pissed at Sam for being there when they wish they were on the air. They had nothing to do with the decision to show up a half an hour later and make the same money. They want to wake up earlier. They made signs.

I would normally listen to Sam's full hour after show... because it wasn't really an after show, most days he wouldn't even mention O&A. I enjoyed it when he was stirring shit with Fez or just talking to Whoo Kid or the guest that stayed over. I skip the pre-show 100% of the time and the after show is basically just there to fill the awkward 6-12 minutes before the replay starts.

TL;DR: I agree

Giving the post show only 30mins (maximum), is just setting a good thing up to fail.

Also, nb4 the Aids.

I would be willing to bet that Sam doesn't want to do the pre-show any more than you want to hear it. If I were Sam I'd want my hour-long post-show back too.

I really don't understand the point of the preshow (aside from the obvious item of allowing the "talent" to sleep in another half hour)

Sam isn't allowed to really discuss any topics as that would detract from the main show- and you can't really do anything in a half hour in any case.

So we are left with what basically amounts to a half hour of him killing time while he is half asleep.

And on top of that the post show suffers because he now only has the shorter time block. (Plus on the web replays you need to fast forward through the damn preshow each day)

Kill the preshow. Give Sam a full hour afterwards.

Love Sam but the preshow stinks. I don't want to listen to radio I JUST FREAKING HEARD

The long shit show was awesome, need it back!

Why is this even an issue? The show goes from 6:30-10:30 whatever the fuck is on before or after that I don't care about. Hell half the time I don't even listen to the show live.

dj whoo kid is radio cancer.

Have you listened to his show? He's a better interviewer than O&A his celeb interviews are always great. In his Kevin Hart interview he had Kevin dying of laughter


Downvote for your awful Denny opinion, but that petition is killer!

Have you listened to his show? He's a better interviewer than O&A his celeb interviews are always great. In his Kevin Hart interview he had Kevin dying of laughter

You say it like it is his decision to do so lol