O&A Poll Results: "How long have you been listening?" (Including locations)

52  2014-06-02 by EskimoEscrow


Who here is from Saudi Arabia, and why haven't you been beheaded yet for listening to these filthy infidels?

Tss .. Home run!! Holzmann, now why dont cha Let go's a Woman or sumptin?

I think those listeners are from UAE

Either people have been listening a long time, pre-satellite, or more recently, YouTube era. Looks like being on satellite radio under an extra fee plan with no advertising from the company isn't so good for attracting new listeners. Just more ways to illustrate how fucked up that company is.

Good point. So regardless of whether or not they get contracts, SiriusXM is on the way out. Where will that leave the boys? They'll have nothing left but terrestrial + podcasting, the way I sees it.

Fuck terrestrial. A dead medium. They can't operate in that sphere, it's too vanilla now. They have to go podcasting/video, or nothing.

If they go podcasting, I think it will breathe a new life into the show - all the assclowns who get bitched about on this sub, are all SXM employees and will not be coming with O&A&J. (Like how all the assclowns we used to love at WNEW didn't make the jump to satellite/terrestrial after the hiatus.)

And they will finally be able to do the visual element, which might even get picked up by a small cable net - like what Tom Green is doing on AXS or how Jimmy got to do those shows on EPiX, which I don't have but still it would be cool). VideOandA on Vimeo is a good example of how good the show could be if we could see the YouTube videos they are talking about, while they are talking about them.

tl;dr They will hopefully do a show like Scorch PFGTV, but it will have the virtue of being good, unlike Scorch's shit-fest.

I can see a live video feed on epix, like Stern had and Imus has. Coupled with an audio only podcast. Or maybe a small subscription fee for the podcast.

Might be reduced to a weekly show.

Is it too late for me to give you my response and then you can remake this entire thing cause of one person who lives in PA and has been listening for 3 years?


Thanks for tracking me, what part of the Government do you belong to? FBI? CIA? NSA? I want answers!


300 Episode all written. We're gonna show 4 new ones every Thursday. Each episode's 2 1/2 hours, no commercials. Startin' at 7 AM.

Ted's Cinematic Direction, Production, and Distribution Emporium™


.com was already taken.

why did i click this expecting an actual page



A total of 679 people

Hoo hoo



In Florida's butt? God only knows.


Vegas represent!

Started listening 2 months after artie lang tried to cut his own stomach off. I Was a stern fan (no longer am the show sucks a dick) and now im mad i havent listened to O&A all along.

Started in early 2010, i live in florida, and i used to drink beers and take bong hits b4 school so i know im cool.

I remember seeing a similar thing with actual numbers mapping the users of a certain fansite. About 70% US, 10% canada, 5% UK, 3% Australia and then a long list of different european countries.

But enough about Lemon Party


In into about year 8. Hooked after "box o cocks"

Of course you were cocksucka tss

As am I, i started listening when they got syndicated to Chicago in July on '06. I don't quite remember a specific bit that got me hooked but it was either them or Mancow or Eric and Kathy. Easy choice

I notice a steep increase in listening roughly 3-4 years ago. This is when I started listening, and roughly correlates to a period where Howard REALLY ramped up the vacation days. I had listened to him for roughly 3 years and finally had it.

I suspect that the majority of these people switched over to OA around this time due to Howie.

I somehow missed this poll, listening from the DC/Baltimore area since 2001, so the bottom "10 years" bar is 134 now

been listening to the show for like 6 years and the show actually introduced me Louis CK instead of the other way around. Philippines here. Didn't notice orignal thread.

I thought I was the only Aussie fan of O&A..

Brisbane here

How'd you find out about the show?

chips viral vid when it first came out.

You haven't met our little sweetie boy Stevie Knight.

Scandinavia represent!


Based on this map I'd infer more liberals listen than they suspect. Those blue areas are lit.

Those pockets of liberals also have a lot of conservatives that get their votes squashed by deblasio supporters. Also this is just a consensus of users from reddit, which is a bastion of liberal douchery. And before anyone snaps to judgement; I'm not a conservative. I just hate anyone that blindly follows one ideology and hates it's opposition without research.

I used to wonder how conservatives could be so successful in the NYC radio market, but then I realized that the people listening to radio in that market are primarily people that have long commutes and/or own a car. In other words, the really liberal areas like Brooklyn, Manhattan, the Bronx, etc. may be influential in elections, but they simply are not influential when it comes to radio, because a lot of people that live in these places don't even own a car and don't spend a lot of time commuting.

To be successful in radio, you need to appeal to people that live on Long Island, Staten Island, New Jersey, or wherever else, because they'll give you consistent numbers - they're commuting everyday for sometimes several hours, which is a lot more reliable than hoping some Bobo remembers to put on his walkman while he sits on the couch.

Also blue collar democrats don't tend to be the whiney social justice kind. I happen to be a conservative but people tend to look at the ear bleeding worst. Your average happens to vote democrat regular east coast guy is just as weirded out by sjws as anyone else.

Also for me personally the more I hear one side of an argument is proportional to how much effort I put into seeking out the other side and hearing that. I'm sure there are a lot of moderates in New York that like conservative talk just because of how biased it is politically there.

Yeah there's probably some of that too. It's like that joke in Private Parts about the listeners that hated Howard Stern being the ones that actually spent the most time listening.

And I've been listening to old stuff of Howard's, some of it even from the 80s, and he'd actually trash NYC (which I've read was kind of a dump back then) in a way to where you can tell he was trying to get a reaction out of people. At this point it's hack, but I think that was kind of new when he was doing it.

Upstate NYers genuinely like it. Metro area, a good part is liberals who like to get pissed off, or conservatives who love the reaction liberals get to the clear caricature. Basically radio trolling.

liberal and conservative are bs terms anyways. both sides are out to bilk you for corporate interests

wish ant would come out as a moderate


I'm just tryna make the point that liberals enjoy blue comedy too. The tone of the show seems to make it out like liberals are all tumblr sjw people offended by any joke involving human beings, and thats far from true. Who do you think was the prime demographic for comics like Carlin, Pryor, Hicks, etc.

I think Bill Maher would be the best example of a liberal comic who feels the same about PC shit as the boys.

I'm liberal as fuck socially, but I believe in conservative policies too. I guess I'm not exactly a liberal but I'm pretty fuckin close. And I love this kind of shit. This is the only real kind of humor.

I'm pretty liberal, but I love this show. And fucking Anthony he can piss me off but Damn, if he doesn't make up for it by being sooooo fucking funny!

Yeah SJWs are sheltered cunts, regardless of political orientation

Honestly, I just never want the show talking about politics. They play it half serious, rarely get any good jokes, get all their facts wrong, and then bitch about obviously retarded info they get from callers

What the fuck are SJW's? I'm too lazy to go look it up and I won't even be back here so forget it you fuck

Social justice warriors

Now you know you cis shitlord, check your privilege

/r/TumblrinAction you cuntbrain.

These are only listeners who are also on reddit, probably explains most of the results

NY is pretty conservative up state. Also in the city it's probably not the "hip" political crowd that is their audience.

I think it's more there show has always had a lot of NY and also Boston references. Features a lot of very NY and Boston comics.