Lil Jimmy has gone from funny to unfunny to downright annoying.

0  2014-06-02 by [deleted]

Is he an idiot? Absolutely. Do his characters suck? Absolutely. Is his "book" Happy Endings good? Absolutely not.

He's become unbearable, from his intellectual Jimmy sincerity to his dopey fake outrage, Jimmy blows. He has nothing funny left now that people are used to his shock humour. He sucks. Jim sucks. Live with it. Should fans of Jim now accept that he sucks? Absolutely.


Dude calm down open the window and let some air circulate you shut in.

And jump.

hey, be sweet with me :(

Intellectual and outraged jimmy both are annoying, ill give you that. But he still can be very funny.

Oh what's the matter, BABY BOY?! Did mommy not love you enough? You probably want to fuck your mother. Go listen to Master of Reality or sumthin tss tss

That baby boy thing is another annoying thing he does, well spotted. Is he 12 or 42?

Radio Jimmy is hilarious. He is awful at interviews and when he tries to be serious and make serious points he can sometimes come off as ridiculous. But his one liners, insults, and characters always make me laugh.
His stand-up specials have never made me laugh though. I have to admit I'm not a fan of his live act.

Jim is average at best, but you "absolutely" suck dick.

Happy Endings was hilarious (it's I Hate Your Guts that sucks).


What brought on this anger? Jim wasn't even in today.

I'm not angry, but listening to the podcast I recognised I had to say my piece here on Reddizzler. Jimmy was annoying on the pod!


ohhhh yuck

Please die.


The show is drowning like a sinking a turd lately, that much I will admit. I saw Jim a bout two months ago and he KILLED. Some of the best material of his career in my opinion (and I didn't really find his last two specials all that funny). His persona on the show gets boring to me sometimes, but to say he's not funny and just out right sucks? You must be smoking that shit again son!

jimmy is the drag, I now mentally point out when he makes me laugh which is once a week

Stupid fucking post. Jimmy is incredibly fast and witty. His insults are amazing, and he can turn anything you say into something terrible. When Jim is rolling, you literally can't make any pauses in your speech because he will tear you apart. He and Ant make a hilarious duo, Opie on the other hand I'm willing to debate about. But yeah it's unbelievably unfair to say that Jimmy isn't funny, especially if your posting in an O+A subreddit. You don't think Jim is funny? So Opie must keep you listening? Granted anthony is hilarious, but he couldn't hold an audience on his own. So either stop listening or stop hating you unfunny d-bag.

upvote + give gold pls!

also on the latest podcast, that spiel he gave about "emotionally vomitting"? That was the cringiest pop psychology bullshit I've ever heard in my life. I was writhing in agony as I heard it, and then I literally vomited, not emotionally.


upvote pls