Poll: How long have you been listening to O&A?

21  2014-06-01 by EskimoEscrow


Listened to Opie's "Latenight Attitude" on WBAB when I was in college. I can actually remember hearing the premier of "Gonna Electric Shock OJ" by Rotgut, the song parody that started it all. Lost track of them when they went to Boston together, but picked right back up when they came on WNEW in '98.

And, if I may venture an opinion, all the Opie hate on this sub is silly. We all deserve a bashing now and then, but for my money Opie rules. YOU KNOW HE COULD HAVE BEEN A MODEL!!!!!!

I love Opie! Even that douchebag The Opster!

Hey, that guy put up some numberssss.

Brothaman, you know it, muthahucker!

The irony of it all is the people bashing Opie are a bunch of losers that live at home and are doing nothing with there lives. Opie has been more successful in his left pinky than most of these assholes have been there entire lives. They fail to realize the reason there is an O&A is because Opie had the foresight to bring talented people on board like Anthony, and Jimmy and originally the direction and vision of the show was all him. I don't get the Opie hate at all. They also expect a man in his 50's with kids to be the same person he was when he was 30 not even realizing we all change over time. I agree Opie fucking rules and Ant, and Jimmy are let off the hook way to much. I'd rather listen to Opie tell an exaggerated story about his kids than to have Ant bitching and screaming about George Zimmerman again or something.

3 years-ish, live every day for 2

Same here. Did you start out searching youtube for Louis and Bill Burr clips too?

Interesting to see there is a large percentage of relatively new listeners (including myself), considering they've been doing radio for 20 years. Seems like the new question now is how many will follow them to podcasting or whatever in October. Anthony will definitely have live from the compound. Hopefully Jim's show takes off so he has that, and I'm sure Op will try to build a podcasting empire a la Bob Kelly.

They're not going anywhere. Even if they did, they'd still be in radio. Opie would do a more music heavy show like Scott Shannon is doing now. Ant and Jimmy will not leave SiriusXM.

I've only been listening for about a year. It took a few months of listening before I realized (obv I didn't look it up) they were about as old as my dad. They've done a decent job of remaining relevant. I don't know how their show would translate to a podcast though... they're heavy on inside humor, callers, understanding the characters... They'd have to put out a podcast daily which is rare given the cost of doing one versus the massive decline in ad revenue.

I don't want to see their show end but it's got to at some point. I doubt SiriusXM is nearly as bad as they make it out to be (especially given they're ridiculously wealthy because of it) they're just relating with their core audience, blue color workers, most of whom also dislike their bosses but enjoy the fruits of the labor.

If they get out of radio I think they'll retire comfortably and MAYBE release a weekly podcast, probably on Kelly's network, for a good lump of money. But if they go the podcast route I'm sure it'll be unique in some way. Like it will be live, have a visual element, and be focused on audience interaction. Not many podcasts do that or do it well. At the same time podcasts are enticing because you usually don't have to remember a schedule and can "tune in" whenever. But I think O&A have enough listeners to put a dent in that ideology.

Podcasts mean they'll loose their MASSIVE trucker audience though. :/

Incredibly insightful. I think you're dead on with every point. The trucker thing is gonna really hurt. My post was just wishful thinking really.

I do wonder why SXM keeps them in the dark with ratings or whatever and handicaps their ability to do big events like the cruise or the road trip. Unmasked was great but that's small potatoes compared to something as trivial as Howard Stern's birthday extravaganza.

For all the constant gay and wishing people were dead jokes, the show has real moments of brilliance and is one of the very few shows on radio or otherwise that is real. The jokes are what got me listening and the commitment to the truth and honesty are what kept me listening. I'm sure the guys will find new outlets if they move on but I'll miss the minor characters like Sam and Roland the most.

Well I think it would be naive to believe them when they say they don't know their numbers. And even if they are kept in the dark about that they do know how much advertisers are paying to have their ads on their channel which gauge their overall value.

Stern has made himself a brand that has transcended shock-jock radio. That's why he's more valuable. I don't like the guy or his show better than O&A but if you ask people what they know about SiriusXM it's likely they'll mention Stern well before O&A.

I'm not an expert on financial markets or whatever but I have a feeling that SiriusXM is either badly managed or (more likely) they're operating with a pretty thin profit margin. That's not necessarily a sign of a failing company but it does make one more stingy. Since O&A cannot, by the nature of their program, transcend radio to pull in more listeners they've got to rely on random tune-one and word of mouth. That makes their audience reliable but tough to depend on growth. That's why the company, any large company, would hesitate to give them much more than they've already got.

SiriusXM would be stupid to fire them but refusing a substantial raise/new studio is perfectly reasonable.

That said I don't want them to go anywhere for a few more years. Like I said before I think they play up their issues for the audience... Which they've been known to do in the past. It's easy to become close to the characters but we shouldn't forget that radio programming is just that.

They keep them in the dark with regards to ratings for contractual purposes. If they don't know their audience size Sirius has the upper hand in negotiations.

Same here. You can tell they are doing what they find funny. It doesn't feel like they are making a brand.

It's probably what hurts them too. They aren't "cool" it's a mixture or blue collar and nerdiness.

Every time their contracts are up they hint that they will leave. They aren't leaving anytime soon, they have a massive audience and are paid well. They all love having their voices heard by as many people as possible and also love the money they are taking home. They are pissed that they are making a fraction of what Hoo Hoo makes, and I can't blame them, but that doesn't mean that they are going away.

Started around 2004/2005. I would skip High School to go smoke weed and drink beers, and would usually turn them on in the car.

Your not cool if you didn't rip bong hits too maaan

Everyone's getting down voted. Brilliant

that's why you shouldn't post on this subreddit. EVERYTHING gets downvoted

I downvoted myself as soon as I posted knowing it would happen. Circlejerk posts in this subreddit are instant downvote bombs. Seeing that at least a few people have upvoted me is pretty cool though.

Since Jimmy was wearing an O&A shirt on Lucky Louie back in '06

Same. I started in '06 when they took over for DLR. I know a lot of the old fans bitched about the free FM/XM days, but I think those were some of their best years. 2006 and 2007 had stuff like Mondo Topless, the Baby Bird, "It's cold out here," etc. Then I lost track of things when the free FM thing went to shit and had no real way to listen to the show without buying XM. Which I may have done, but I ended up gettin laid off and I just forgot about it. I only got back into them in 2011 just by listening to Youtube clips and downloading full episodes off some website that I don't think exists anymore.

Speaking of Lucky Louie, I loved that show and watched every weekend, because I wasa big fan of Louie's standup. For the first few episodes I had no idea that the weird drug dealer was the same Jimmy Norton fron O and A. It seems really stupid to say now, but I just didn't put the two together for some reason. Then he was wearing an O and A shirt and it became pretty obvious.

I still prefer Lucky Louie over Louie. I know I'm alone on that one. It wasn't a perfect show, but it was funny as hell and wasn't all preachy and pretentious like his current show.

Same here. I thought he was just some character actor cause he looked so perfect for the part.

Since I moved to DC in 2001. 106.7 WJFK Lineup was Howard mornings, Don and Mike middays, O&A afternoon drive, The Sports Junkies 7-11, and Ron and Fez late nights. Talk radio will NEVER be that good again.

I'm pretty sure I'm the lone dot in west central Illinois.

four years

9/14/11 never forget


Late 2005. Same with Ron & Fez.

I remember the first Ron and Fez show on XM. I drove to a class and ended up sitting in the car in the parking lot for 3 hours listening.

On and off from 2003 to 2009. Full-time from 2009 to today.

It's interesting how this poll shows geographic locations of listeners. It's cool to see a lot of people overseas are listening.

I've been listening since the WNEW days.



Day one on XM - before that: tapes my friends would pass around

Been a listener and fan since the E rock bikini wax show

Met this girl a while ago who introduced me to XM satellite radio. I used her online login for a while then got my own unit. We've been married for almost 8 years so I guess I've been listening for 8 years. Crazy.

started 2010 from youtube but only Patrice Oneal episodes or them bashing Howie. Then a youtuber in 2012 started uploading full episodes and I listened more to pass the time even though 2012 sucked and was full of Radio listener jingle contests and whatever other filler. 2013 pretty good. 2014 fuck these guys suck.

2000 on WNEW via Live365.com in its heyday before AFTRA killed online radio.

06ish when they were moving to XM. A co-worker got me into them and I've been listening to them since.

Been listening since the WAAF days (I'm from Boston area).


I see the SXM Marketing Department is hard at work on market research.

My first show was tequila and donuts day.

Started listening around 2005 when they channel was named High Voltage. I was browsing the high number channels on DirecTV looking for something to jerk off to at age 12 when I stumbled upon the channel for High Voltage. The first thing I remember hearing was Jimmy's voice saying something about fucking a pig's cunt and I've been a fan ever since.

I never heard of these guys until they had their animation fest in 2008. This is the Video that got made me a fan since then.

Bring on the downvotes, you negative creeps. I've been listening since they were bickering with Carol Miller on WNEW in 1998. That's probably what got me into the show as I enjoy listening to strangers argue. For fun.

19 years off and on since living in Boston summer of '95. Pretty much regularly since 2006. Jesus, that's a long time.

Started listening around 2004. Thanks to a coke logic animation of the Tony Danza debacle.

Since they were first syndicated to WJFK. I even got them to autograph a WOW sticker when they did a remote broadcast from there. It's worth literally tens of cents already.

2001 ish, when they got syndicated to Rochester. I had heard ABOUT them and WoW from other friends in the NYC area, they were huge then.

Listened on and off until they got kicked for Sex for Sam.

Then around 2004 I discovered XM in a friend's car. I wanted satellite with talk so I went with XM - Hoo Hoo was still a year out on Sirius at that point. I'm one of the six people that paid for "High Voltage" on XM.

15 years.

I started when they were on NEW in '98. So you need a "More than 10 years" choice

Ya I meant to write 10+.

around 06-07, my dad used to listen every morning while he would drive me to school, I was only 12/13 but the show made a huge impression on me.

been listening ever since.

Technically since 'AAF, but I hated them at the time. I started listening again sometime after they were syndicated on WBCN in the WNEW days. So maybe 2001-ish.

edit: I'm curious how this poll correlates with the flood of Opie hate. If it skews towards newer or older fans.


Came home from a year in Australia at the end of 99 and they were on WNEW and I listened every day. I paid extra to get them when they returned to satellite and they were a premium channel. Do I lose?

2012 or 2013. Started with the Louis CK on... series (the economic crisis, banking, society, etc.) Transitioned to Jim Norton rants and then got into Patrice. I felt like I found Christ when I heard the Colin Quinn ball-busting.

first time i ever listened to them was january 2011 i think? it was around the time they were blasting some crazy newfie guy

link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9plhyj70rgc

edit: it was 2012 i guess


The first time i heard O&A live was the day they were announcing patrices death.

I had listened to a few short clips on youtube before that and i really liked them

All i remember was listening for about 15 minutes, getting bored because it sounded like they were lame when they were live. I dint know who patrice was either so i found it lame that they were mourning some random guy the entire 15 minutes.

I turned it off and started listening again a few weeks later.

Its funny because patrice is one of my idols now.

First heard of Opie and Anthony, when I heard Patrice talk about his time in prison. Was a huge Howard fan, and I would listen occasionally. Then AGT and the 3 day work week. I said Fuck this and have listened to OandA first and then I might catch Howard every once in awhile.

There is some serious down voting happening in this thread!

Came upon them totally by chance when they debuted on XM back in 2004 and have listened to just about every show since.

2001 or so. Syndication on 94 WYSP.

99-02 when they got cancelled. I will never forget eagerly waiting to play them when I got home (they were a re-broadcast where I lived) and that shit dick Tom Lykis replay happened. Picked em back up in 08 ish. I still listened when I could or grabbed clips but they weren't on where I lived anymore.

2008, religiously since 2009.

Since 2000. The wiffle bat challenge was the first show I heard. Got hooked right away.

You downvoted yourself?

Don't you think it's a bit creepy you can zoom in and know exactly where every person that voted lives?

Wtf man

Not really, it says I live in a lake.


I started listening in 2010? the same week the Fez took off because his dad died. I spent that week confused about who was Opie and who was Anthony. I then tried to call in during a replay.

About 3 to 4 years. Listen to shows off of youtube. Watched Lucky Louie, was a Stanhope fan since college, and also at the time loved Stanhope, Rogan, and Greg Geraldo's comedy albums.

Stumbled on O and A on youtube. I traveled between NY and DC at the time on Amtrak alot. So I needed listening material.

Click on the link above to cast a vote

2 years but caught up on old shows on YouTube.

I started listening around the time Bill Burr first came on, whenever that was.

70 dog years.


Yeah I heard ya! Like I hear Chris Burke... But I wish your life didn't go on. I have feelings.

This makes no sense since double guns deleted his post after two down votes

Yeah, call that fuckin pussy out.

I usually hate your posts, but u been killing today. U drunk?

First show I listened was the day after Woodstock 99 and Dee Sydner and Jay Mohr were in studio.

March of last year when I was paired with my trainer while learning how to drive a semi. I lived with the guy for two weeks, in that little cab. He was a retired army infantry sergeant, 32 years old, was forced out of the military because he was blown up while leading a mission.

He listened to the O&A channel non-stop, all day, through the replays. Nothing else.

I don't know what he'd do if they left SiriusXM. Nevertheless he made me a fan. I don't listen to them nearly as much as he does, but before him my only knowledge of the talk-radio side of satellite was Stern. Now if I try to listen to Stern I'm filled with rage.

That said my favorite has always been Norton's advice show. If they gave him and Dr. Steve a show with Sam in the Opie and Anthony as a regular guest I'd probably listen to that show over O&A.

I've also found myself preferring to listen to Ron and Fez, but only if I can catch them live. Also I liked their show more when it wasn't based around comedy. A GOOD goof-ball radio call-in show is nearly impossible to find.

since 2007-08 can't exactly remember when I became an official fan but I used to hear the wrestling interviews with John Cena, Triple H, etc. from wrestling sites. Their WWE interviews got me to notice the show but Patrice O'Neal made me a fan

Started getting into the boys around December 2010 - January 2011, got into them due to seeing clips of Jimmy on Red Eye.

Edit: What did I say?

They were on regular radio here for a little bit in 08. In 2010 I was on a road trip and looking for shit to listen to and randomly got suggested the clip of jimmy trying to get jlo to sign his picture and ive been hooked ever since. Ive gone back and listened to almost every show from 08 to now and tons of their older bits. I actually prefer the shows from 2010 on. Them just bullshitting with comics is more entertaining to me than wacky stunts. And when they cant cuss and have to dance around topics is just annoying to me so i like the satellite shows better than wnew,kroq and free fm.

Got into them at the end of 2012, starting with the old Louis Patrice and CQ shows.


I said 3-4 years, because I only started listening to full, live shows last year BUT, I've been listening to clips/bits since about 8 years ago... Seemed like a good compromise.

Since 2001

Never subscribed to Sirius XM so there are these pockets where I haven't heard them, such as the first XM days, but when I learned how to listen off streams I was able to listen more consistently

Yeah I heard ya! Like I hear Chris Burke... But I wish your life didn't go on. I have feelings.