Is Erock Dutch?

0  2014-05-31 by distantdrake

Erock's last name is Nagel, a typical dutch last name, and he is known to love mayo a lot which is also typically dutch. Just wondering wheather he's got some dutch blood in him.


No, they're hooves not wooden shoes.


He loves him some yarlsburg cheese

Melted on top of some nice goulash.

No, his blood is full of diabetes.

I think he is German. And they have mentioned in the past that he is part whale/manitee. Here is a link about Nagel Genealogy

A lot of Dutch immigrated to Florida, so I would say probably yea.

Nagel in German means "nail". Like hammer and nail.

Droppin hammers all day long, the circle is now complete.

It also means "nail" in Dutch, but as in "toenail". I wouldn't say it's a common Dutch surname, but it's possible.

Nope, Floridian.


Pretty sure he is a Viking.

Like Todd Gack

I believe he is half stegasaurus.

I'm pretty sure he's Roman. His Roman name is Bacchus.

No. He's fat.


Getting to know the important things

German, 100 percent.


It depends how far the Dutch border extends out to see and of course his migration pattern

German goulash and Coke floats all day e'rey day.

He's German-Irish.


Melted on top of some nice goulash.