Mike Bocchetti circa 1994

17  2014-05-31 by [deleted]


Real picture BTW, he posted it himself. Crazy how different he looked compared to now.

This was before his chin decided to get Lebensraum.


Very good.

I'm pretty sure Mike Bocchetti plays up his awkwardness because he knows that he looks like a fucking retard. He's in some small/short films, including one with Louis CK, and you can tell that he can act more normal - and he acted more normal before he needed glasses and was obese. He just has several physical characteristics now that, when combined, make him look like he's retarded.


He used to look like Otto.

Yeah, a bit like a chubbier DiPaolo, too.

Now he looks like he jammed a Campbell's soup can into his gullet

That angle makes him look like he has a Todd Lynn (RIP) baby arm.


jesus christ, this world consumed him.

This is what drinking too much Natty Ice will do to a person.

Can you catch the ol' spectrum disorder?