the Opesters evolution

0  2014-05-30 by Dannyprecise

There's a general agreement in this subreddit that Opie sucks, but after spending a few days listening to their Best Of shows from the prior week, you get to really appreciate how he's toned down his douchiness. He rarely uses that over the top scream and laugh anymore; when's the last time that was down? During the 'classic' cereal fight?

Either way, instead of focusing on how irritating he is now, let's us remember how awful he really was back then. Yay, I solved all of our issues.


True, but he now dominates conversations with his unfunny forced bits and constantly steps on Ant and Jim. He really has squeezed humor out of the show.

You don't like when he forces the flow of the show to a halt to do his impression of the radio voice a dozen times in a row?

What about when he doesn't have enough confidence in a line so he has to yell, "BA DA BA DA BA BA!" at the end?

He copied that stupid shit from Jimmy but drained any and all humor out of it.

Why would he ever lack confidence? They were the FIRST show to ...


Constantly still steps on bits? He did from time to time at krock I know but I don't notice this recently.

Really? Listen closer.

And closeleyer...


He has simply diverted his douche factor in different ways for the worse.

He used to be very tolerable and likeable.

Now he is trying too hard to carve out some sort of talent.

I think he is thinking about the future and trying to find a economicslly viable skill becuase if Ant splits he is fucked.

Anthony needs no one and could be a big star.

Opie needs crutches or he is just a board op.

This is why he is "trying soo hard to be funny" talking over Anthony and Jim, trying to hang with pros.

Future radio aspects do not look good if he were on his own..

He does not have a political angle. He does not have a music angle besides 90s rock. He isnt a comedian or funny He tries to manufacture and push stupid viral videos. He seems to have fake twitter followers.

Perhaps a sports-talk guy?

Opie doesn't know shit about sports. So that ain't an option either.

Im not a sports guy, but if you say so. Jeeeze what's left on the Opie career path post Anthony and crew.

More guest appearances on crappy prank shows.

Oh and chasing the white whale: The VIRAL video!




Retiring and raising his kids if he's smart.

In what world do ant and jimmy have any future leaving the show either? I mean, yeah, without the show opie is fucked, but so are the other guys. Ant becomes just an angry middle age blogger and fades into the back ground like the rest of the youtube/political podcast schmucks. And jimmy, well there goes one of his biggest advertising platforms and means of promoting his shows, so hello to the washed up comic club.

They're all pretty much got zero to no options outside of doing an opie and anthony esque show, and podcasting doesn't make as much money as some people think.


You're going to get downvoted for this but everything you said is spot-on.


I appreciate that he toned down his viral video obsession.

Now its pushing stupid tshirts on his personal website.

Another indication of a split im hopefull for As it will result in a new great show.

Notice latley its been nothing but "Opieradio" latley and not "The Opie and Anthony show" ?

He is trying to gear something up...

I agree, I think Opie has given up on ever becoming Stern and now is looking to become a Joe Rogan type. I see changes ahead.

He's too late to the podcast game to make any viable money off of it. Does he really think he'll attract anyone without Ant and Jimmy?

Opie has a hard-on for Joe Rogan and what he has done. I think he has delusional fantasies even though he knows this won't happen for him like it has for Joe Rogan.

I think he's not satisfied with the level of success he has achieved. So he is trying to branch out. I respect him for trying, just not the way he's doing it

I think there might be an outside influence as well in part of it too..

Like band a band members wife telling him he needs to ditch the band and how better he is than everyone else.

Or perhaps he has been working with "talent coaches"

Like band a band members wife telling him he needs to ditch the band and how better he is than everyone else.

Enough...about...the band.

something about a band

I hope they don't re-sign so we can get something new. I'm pretty sure Ant and Jim would do something together and Opie would do his own show. One of them is going to be entertaining and the other is going to be a train wreck so we will still have something to listen to.

How great would it be for the future Ant and Jim show to Jocktober Opie's post O&A disaster? Imagine if Opie and Sam join forces. Holy fuck, would that blow.

2005-06 was his over the top douchey annoying stage.

I think 2007-09 he toned it down because all the comics were always in studio

But from 2010-now he just lost all passion for his job and simply just doesn't give a shit

How has he demonstrated he lost his passion for the job?

Well he says it all the time for one...

well almost everyday he says, "I really don't feel like doing this another year" or "Why do we still do this there's no point" and etc.

For the past few years he always comes back from vacations with unwarranted confidence and dominates the show in a bad way. It'll get better in a week or two, I hope.


He's trying to do voices now? WTF. He needs to be stopped.

He used to be aggressive, but he was natural and honest. Now, because it seems like he's worked on his rage (or just gotten older) his aggressiveness is gone and he resorts to trying to hang with Jim and Ant in the wit department (which he's too much of a dork to do). He literally tells "dad jokes" sometimes.

Anybody know why they stopped with the car crash soundclip?

The "fat fuck" chair incident seemed so forced. Felt like he was trying for that angry energy from the past but it just came off really cringey.

Yeah, been wondering about the loss of the car crash and the rest of those drops. Always get excited when Ant pulls out the bullhorn as its rare now.

The car crash just literally stopped one day. Like the button broke, stopped. No idea why.

Go fuck yourself.

something about a band

Opie has a hard-on for Joe Rogan and what he has done. I think he has delusional fantasies even though he knows this won't happen for him like it has for Joe Rogan.

Really? Listen closer.