RuPaul DEFENDS use of term "tranny"...

29  2014-05-30 by cowardanon


Thanks for the TMZ headline, Harvey.

Is Rupaul a joy to hang with? Discuss!

Why are you posting any garbage from salon. One of the worst media sources in existence


She never got the implants... So when all the clothes come off it's just a skinny black dude staring back at you. I'd say yes to Bailey but no to Rupaul

I stand by my choice, no homo.

There is massive homo there and soon to be inside you

That makes you gay

Joe Derosa is that you

Yeah plus RuPaul isn't really feminine at all. To the untrained eye Bailey's a cute nerdy girl

He's not a she. He calls himself a he. He's just a flamboyantly gay dude that wears makeup and women's clothing.

Shut up faggot. If he wants to call herself a she, let her. It's a pointless nothing that hurts nobody.

If he wants to call herself a she, let her.

Yeah, except he refers to himself as a he. Learn to read before you go crusading there, SJW.


Be super edgy and call me a nigger next. Got to teach them crazy people on the internet.


yeah, i know :(


Not sure why you wanted me to do that...

Nigger stopped being an edgy word when Paula Dean started saying it

You actually just seem like a fat, angry man. Possibly a drunk as well. You're all over the place mentally.

YOU seem like a fat, angry guy who guzzles beer and possibly cum down your gullet all day.

No more vacation for you, Roland.

I'm not clicking that link because salon is fucking awful. But it's nice to see the postmodernistic word bullshit finally starting to collapse on itself. Maybe people will just start being more forgiving/not give a fuck about stupid words.

Shem's not wrong but he's still one fugly tranny


Transsexual and transvestite are very different

dear trannies: when you get your genitals all knotted up over a word you are literally handing people who want to hurt you a weapon to use against you.

Just because someone is a member of a group doesn't make their opinion more or less valid. It should be "check out this argument presented by RuPaul" not "check out RuPaul's argument."

I know I'm being kinda pedantic here but this sort of logic is what creates really stupid people who say "AS A _____ I THINK" and then are treated like they're insulated from criticism.

There are probably some black people who believe that black people are genetically inferior to white people. That doesn't make their view not racist. Conversely, there are 'justice warriors' who believe that it should be illegal for people like O&A to criticize them. That doesn't make their desired outcome 'justice.'

Gay people can be homophobic. "Freedom activists" can be oppressive. "Open minded communities" can be extremely stubborn.

I really wish we could start separating what is said from who says it.

Shut up.

Who gives a fuck?

I think with the lazy faded-out shite the hosts have been phoning-in, it is now clearly up to this reddit to somehow attempt to discover topics and try to fashion its own entertainment.

idk why you got down voted it's pretty much the truth lol. When the boys phone it in we pretty much have to find more interesting things to talk about

kill yourself for posting this