Jimmy on Louie s04e08

0  2014-05-28 by [deleted]

Is his new character the creepy hallway worm who makes bombing comments to passerbys? With those fluttering eyes and opening lips he looks like a fish out of water.


I chuckled at the "Yuck" when he glanced at the fat girl

He's not that bad. All the comedians that do Louie do a kind of parody of their act. He's not great, but you're more familiar with Jimmy because you listen to him talk 5 days a week. It's like seeing someone you know on TV in a way.

Yeah he's not that bad. He's a creepy dude in real life and he plays a creepy comic on the show. He talks about cumming and hookers on the show, what do people expect.

Wow Jimmy's parody has been coming strong since the early 90s then.

That lip licking cave fish was the highlight of the ep. His acting was fine.

Why does everyone come in and cry about his acting? His acting was horrible because of his bug eyed, twitch faced, meal mouthed delivery in bad lighting.

Look! It's the Descriptive-Words Kid.

Yeah Norton really comes off as unnatural in his Louie appearances. Bob Kelly and the other comics are surprisingly really believable, even Joe DeRosa nailed his scene

You know fat Bobby does bang bangs in real life.

He does bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bangs.

I wish someone would go on a bang bang with me. Shit's amazing.

Where do you live? I'll totally do a sushi pizza with you.

San Francisco, nigga.

Damn, you'll have to bang bang with someone else :(

Jim's acting looks even more shitty when Todd Barry ,Fitzsimmons and Dipaolo turn up do their bit.Louie is doing him a big favor giving him lines.

Todd Barry needs a spinoff after last night's episode

I could watch non-stop Todd Barry telling tales of minor triumphs. I liked the guy who played the club manager. No lines, but he looked like Todd was ruining his life.

I can't believe he thought he was an acting peer of Ed Norton.

Lady Di?


Holy fuck

If this show was a band it'd be called Louie and the Hideous Hacks.

If that joke was a ghost it would go BOOOOOOOO


Is Jimmy on the spectrum?

I wouldn't be shocked if there is a new benchmark for Jim. He just keeps looking like a broken Chuckee Cheese mouse that can't stop its eyes or mouth from flapping.

With the exception of the Todd Barry bit those last two episodes were awful. Jimmy was fine. He's basically playing the same kind of character he did on Lucky Louie.

And look how well that show worked out!

It wasn't ratings that killed that show. It had higher numbers than Deadwood when it was canned.

Deadwood was canned too

Always the white knights for yimmy who can never accept he's awful.

"No need to dip into my data plan... boom!" I think Todd Berry is my new hero.

He certainly made a fan out of me from last night. I like his quiet rage.

"It's an easy mistake to make, and an easy mistake to fix."


Or somethin

Jimmy is definitely the shadowy figure poorly lit in the hallway that Louie seems to be using to deliver all the creepy dialog.

DiPaolo ruined the cutaway for me with his disinterested, jealous twitch of his hand as he feigned trying to be the educated older man reading a paper in the bar. It's basically hack hour aside from a few standouts like Barry's story the other night.

What would you have done differently?

As director I'd yell cut, tell DiPaolo that his nervous tick is amateur and he ruined the scene, shoot the cutaway again. It's moreso that I could see how uncomfortable he was that he didn't get the final laugh in that scene.

You don't read that as being in any way a genuine reaction that he may have?

He was a background character in the scene and definitely was only told to laugh and look back like he's reading the paper. Nobody told him to do a nervous twitch off center as he's preparing to act in the cutaway, from what logic tells me.

I shouldn't have even been distracted by his hand twitch in a scene with so many known actors.

the whole storyline with the shriveling hungarian women is very uninteresting and at places way to artsy for my taste. and it's 6 whole episodes... the first two seasons were fantastic and original to the last second, but season 3 at times, and 4 even more so, are just stale and full of uncompelling storylines and concepts.

Louie thinks he's up for a palm d ore this season.

I have enjoyed the more indy film feel of some of the shots Louis CK is putting into this season. Maybe I'm just a film/tv geek, but he is really putting in the effort to improve his style. Whenever you feel like it's too artsy just tell yourself a dick joke.

Flip over to TNT. I'm sure 2 1/2 men is on for you.

i'll rather flip you faggot over and explode in your rectum.

So E! Is more your style bitch tits?

He was a background character in the scene and definitely was only told to laugh and look back like he's reading the paper. Nobody told him to do a nervous twitch off center as he's preparing to act in the cutaway, from what logic tells me.

I shouldn't have even been distracted by his hand twitch in a scene with so many known actors.