Gonna try to be an intern for O&A for the fall semester

37  2014-05-26 by [deleted]

Hopefully they take my black ass I don't feel like interning anywhere else...not to mention I'm familiar with digital editing


wear a "justice for trayvon" t-shirt

'justice for trayvon' shirt with magic johnson's face on it

What do you mean



enjoy your doody hat!

They probably would like a black guy that likes the show.

black earl really is not much of a black guy, and WhoKid is too much of one. The show can use a black person of middle ground.

edit: ok, my research shows you're not really black. you're vaguely ethnic in a nonthreatening way. like Russell Petersish

lol yo take that link down I don't want people to know my true identity

First post claiming to be black, admitting to being Indian when someone does research...you will fit in just fine as an intern. I see an eye patch or fake party in your future.


perm your hair before the interview.

I remember seeing some indian kid in highschool that would dress and talk and act black. Meanwhile he had that whole caucasian person hair patrice talked about. And his parents came for parent teacher day and his mom was wearing that colorful shawl thingy, and his dad looked like a fucking doctor. What an identity crisis this kid had.

It seems like it could be very fun, but I kind of cringe sometimes with how disrespectful they are towards interns that don't have a gash between their legs. They will try to embarrass you when they run out of material, then not even remember your name. Sal seems to be the last guy they treated okay. Maybe they are just given all the monumental fuck up intern choices?

Disclaimer: This COULD just be a bit I haven't caught on to

I don't think its a bit. Didn't they have a self-imposed ban on girl Interns for a while because they recognized what monsters it turned them into?

lol yeah I hope I get it. I wonder who does the interviews?

I've always heard ERock have the title as leader of the interns.


I remember Sam telling a story once about interviewing David. That might no longer the case since he was made the EP.

Sam has input too but realizes that O&A don't really use interns for anything besides answering phones and fetching food and drink. So Sam deliberately picks fuck-up interns.

Interning for SXM is an awesome experience. You'll like it very much. Good luck!

What was it like? And well yeah I rather intern there than some shitty company I don't give a care about. What did you have to do besides getting them coffee and stuff

How comfortable are you with being mouth fucked on the reg?

I'm surprisingly ok with it

If you get it. Please try to subtly drop "black victim" shit around Anthony id love to hear him lose his shit.

"Yeah I mean I've been looking for a job for a while. It's really hard to get into college or even just hired when you are black so I hope this internship works out!"

I'm actually Indian but yeah I hope I can get the internship I'll apply in June. And that would be hilarious lol subtly hinting how hard it is for a minority(which isn't really true it's way easier for me)

Ewww why would you say that you're black if you're actually Indian?

(I'm Indian too, btw)

Technically I'm darker than the average black person and brown ass just sounds like I shit myself

To put it into perspective, which character from Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom do you resemble the most?

The guy that says "Kali Ma!"

Sorry, Uncle Paul was looking for "Short Round"

You're not black, Eurasian, or sumptin' tss tsss

Seems way too clever for Chip...


Yea of course it's easier but that's what would make it hilarious. Keep referring to yourself as a person of color


yeah :)

Are you one of those really really dark Indians? y'all look like what mixed people are supposed to look like.

I'm milk chocolate

Meh, I'd say you're lighter than that (maybe it's the lighting though)- http://37.media.tumblr.com/3aed5def4917fb264507fb26da844311/tumblr_n5e44iHosD1s154f7o1_1280.jpg

Yeah it depends really


Get blueberries for the diva on third mic. If you do please continue to post here with the frequency that you currently do!

Haha and some "melk" but I hope I can get the internship and I hope I qualify for it

The standalone fruit.

I will give you a full run down of it later tonight or early tomorrow. I interned for SXM NFL Radio "Movin the Chains" so I can't speak to what its like with OnA, RnF, or HS size shows (although NFL Radio pulls in a nice size audience) but I will tell you exactly what it's like when I get home.

Edit: Quotations and changed "worked for" to "interned for"

Well it'ms been 16 hours, are you fucking home yet?

Digital editing? You're over qualified

it says I have to know how to use adobe audition and pro-tools. I kinda know how to use audition so I'll figure it out

ProTools is easy to use, but I'd brush up on it at least a little before you do an interview.

There's a ton of free tutorials and whatnot, you'll figure it out. Good luck, hope you get the gig!

He will be known as "The Negro"

One of the BEST bits ever

Be strong, be cool, and be prepared to live in O&A history as THAT guy.

You might actually shed some light on Rolandgate! More likely you will become apart of he conspiracy though.

lol working on the inside. I e-mailed my adviser about it this morning hopefully he lets me do it

Don't blow up your spot dude...they really really hate leakers.

yeah if I get an interview I'm gonna delete this post

Good luck man. That would be cool. You'll get to meet a lot of cool people.

I was going to post that, if I were you, I would make sure that an internship with them somehow fit into what you want to do with your career - because it could affect what other internships you can get and where you start after graduating, etc., etc....

But actually, fuck it. It would be a cool thing to do that you could reflect back on later in life, and you could basically make it into anything you wanted on a resume. So, good luck.

yeah I don't really care about how it looks for my career I just wanna do it live like Bill O'Reilly

At the very least, you'll get to be interviewed by Sam or Erock (at least they used to do that).

hopefully me and Sam can bond as guys who love wrestling and also got circumcised when they were a teenager

Double yuck

lol its true though


Had to I had problems when I urinated and it was for minor hygiene reasons. It was mainly my parent's decision I was supposed to have it as a kid but they kept putting it off. I got it done when I was 14 and didn't really have a say


I was put under anesthesia and after I had a bunch of painkillers. Like a day later I was in bed on my back and I looked down at my dick and it was all mutilated and wrapped in plastic not to mention all my sensitivity is gone sexually lol

Suck up to E-rock and Sam. Rewatch seasons 1-9 of the Simpsons and talk about attitude era WWF.

If you do get onto the show and they give you on air time. Keep repeating your name before and after you say stuff. They love that type of promotion.

good luck

Good luck.

If you're lucky, you'll get to meet Roland and hang out with him.


Good luck. Would love to myself if I lived in stateside

If you "want" to intern for O&A they won't hire you. Unless you can pretend your not a fan during the interview.

This isn't true at all. One of the requirements listed on the website is strong familiarity with the show.

They've even talked about how Intern David lied about being a huge fan of the show during his interviews and they found out afterwards that he wasn't - the implication being that they don't want non-fans as interns. I'm sure it doesn't matter if you're an attractive female though.

well I also think I have the requirements and I'm not gonna like suck up to them but yeah you're definitely right about that

Just try not to be one of the boys.. that never works out well

If you do, you can't post about it on here, stupid.

why not

Is SiriusXM even taking interns this year with that big lawsuit started by former Stern interns?

with that big lawsuit started by former Stern interns

What's all this?

I checked the website and they still had people sign up for summer internships so I'd assume they still have it