Patton Oswalt. The 18th Annual Webby Awards. Awesome crowd.

23  2014-05-25 by pekingoose


Uuuuuh boy.

Aye naye.

Some of the comments when this video was submitted to /r/cringe pointed out that the crowd wasn't mic'd (you can barely hear them clapping even when you can see them). He acknowledges his bombs near the beginning though.

Yeah if you listen closely you can hear heæs getting laughs

That's what happens when you try and make jokes about an audience that takes themselves too seriously. Fuck that uptight crowd.

Internet geek jokes are lost on internet geeks

Internet Checklist Emporium Festival

Ouch, that hurt to watch.

Needs more audience.

What the shit is that crowd doing




Oof. Patton is not going to age well. He better hope they're still cranking out hobbit movies otherwise he's stuck doing voiceovers.

or sumptin