Has Cregg Schinkle's Twitter Account Been Taken Over By Someone Else?

0  2014-05-25 by AutoJesus

His tweets have gone very strange and a lot more frequent. And the wording of them has become very different from what he was originally.

What sparked my interest was when I saw him tweeting one of the blogspot providers about his listing of shows. As far as I know, no one from the show, real or fake, acknowledge them.


What kind of cunt doesn't include the twitter account in question on his post?

Also, I thought Jim only ran the Edgar and Chip accounts to begin with.

Still no Shinkle twitter acount linked...

I was posting from my phone. Involves a lot more effort which I won't put in.

It's probably some fan. Whenever fan twitter/youtube accounts get a bit of attention some of them seem to turn into creepy fucking tards. See; Beavis Cumia

Oh right okay. I thought he said it up originally because the language of his updates were very norton-esque.