Harassing Erock on his Honeymoon - Jimmy's Jamaican room service voice

39  2014-05-24 by EskimoEscrow


"Opie fucking kills every laugh in this video every time he opens his mouth." - antivercetti

This clip brings back memories. The oil painting Opie got for a wedding gift that he would reveal a little piece of everyday. How many failed ploys has this dunce had to create 'buzz'? I think my favorite was the $10,000 bill. It's so great because in the video where he announces it, he can hardly contain his excitement. He was so sure he had a winner and he was willing to pay ten grand for it. Nobody gave two fucks.

Jamaican Jimmy was the best. Especially with Big A

Being able to take beatings like this is why Erock is the best member of their staff. He's a glutton for punishment...and for delicious food.

i just love how opie ruins the laughs by taking phone calls

This was without a doubt the hardest I have ever laughed while listening to the show. I actually had to pull over while I was driving.

Jim was at his best in this clip! But after the honeymoon part it really reminded me how much I cant stand Sam

Couple jabs at Roland in here at least


"Hello, Waiter, I'd like a 'B' with a bunch of 'O's please"BOOOOOOO