Anthony banned Colin Quinn from the show

4  2014-05-23 by oandasuperfan


This was a bit he came on the show and laughed about it

I know that, but if you read the comments people really believed it!

Explain? Cumia looks serious

Are you a Bobo type, by any chance?

Edit - fixed auto correct

He's clearly on the spectrum.

I don't know what that is...

It's a singer.

Oh fuck no I never liked that group.

What kind of music do you like?

Anything but U2.

He makes the pussiest music of modern times.


"awful awful liberal tree-hugging shit head"

It's not exactly subtle

anthony is pretty drunk in this clip. he hides it well, but he's far from sober

ME: Does he? Is he?


ME: Dropping Hammers T-shirt available now!!!

Colin was probably in the room. Colin has had his picture made with Beavis. He's like a godfather now.


Oh no no no, Ant would never do something like this right? There's no way he's an over-sensitive emotional cripple.

I don't understand how there are fans of the show that have no understanding of humour.