Fez question...

0  2014-05-22 by maynardsabeast

So whats his deal? It used to be Ron and Fez where Fez talked just as often as Ron and it was a good ol time back and forth. Then Fez came out the closet and basically had multiple breakdowns to the point where he basically never speaks and they had to bring other people in to basically replace him as Rons co host? Does Fez do any production stuff? Or is he literally sitting in a chair contributing nothing and making millions? To a newb it seems like he's locked into a contract and will certainly get the boot as soon as it runs out. I listened to like 2 hours of todays show and he literally spoke twice. They make fun of him or acknowledge him right to his face and he still doesn't speak up


So whats his deal?

If only we knew...

To a newb it seems like he's locked into a contract and will certainly get the boot as soon as it runs out.

His contract was renewed in April.

Why? Ron stand up for him? He literally doesn't speak at all. Does he get involved in production?

Fez is the laziest man in radio, yet SiriusXM keeps resigning him again and again. Don and Tim and the rest of the suits love him. Fez either just sits there and says nothing or goes out to fetch the guests. To make sure he has nothing to say or contribute, Fez does not listen to music, does not read, barely watches TV, and the only movie he ever watches is Batman Returns. He is also in love with Ron, but because Ron is married with kids, Fez is passively aggressively mother focking him on the air by adding nothing to the show. Oh, he has also successfully assaulted interns with no suspensions, so he has that over Dr Gay.

Ron is fed up with him, but SiriusXM refuses to get rid of Fez.

Or it's all just a carnie act.

WOW so you think its SXM that keeps him around? I'm thinking it's gotta be Ronnie B refusing to let him go. How long did he get renewed for? I think I remember him getting some weird short term contract to see how he reacted.....than he cut a Flair promo and disapeared again

Wrong sub. Get that shit out of here.

okay hall monitor queer boy
