Jimmy's hatred of college students (5/20/14)

4  2014-05-20 by erockisadinozour

http://youtu.be/EFT74CM8FDs?t=12m19s (It goes from the time spot linked throughout the rest of the clip)

It's a shame he thinks of us all as needy, privileged, politically correct, and to quote him: "Baby boys and baby girls".

Love da boys, love da show, but Jimmy has been quite the bratty bitch lately. Moreso than any college student I've yet to meet.

Lest we forget he behaves like every holier than thou college hipster while he whines about every celebrity who won't take a picture with him, retweets and responds to everybody with his own controversial and thought provoking viewpoint, "hasn't heard" any song or band in the past 20 years, and maintains his state of superiority for not drinking and lets everyone know it.


He didn't care when belle knox spewed this bullshit because she has fat pussy lips.

What a fantastic goddamn point.

he isn't talking about every college student, just the ones that feel as though they should somehow be in charge of the class and the idiot faculty and administrators that bow to their whim.

I understand Jimmy's disgust with the situation, but it's annoying how he generalizes all of us college students by the actions of some whiny private school kids. All three of them need to realize that it's their shitty baby boomer generation that raised those entitled douches.

Nah man, I'm sure the $100,000 Opie pays per year for his kid to go to kindergarten won't make him entitled at all.

But hey, everybody gets a trophy, right?

Yea, seriously, and he tries to make it sound better by talking shit about how the schools are run. Please, his wife probably tells him what school the kids are going to, and thats it. He still is sending his kids to douchey 20000 a year pre k schools.



What's weird is that I think someone did a survey on here a couple of weeks ago about what kind of people listen to O&A and the majority was college kids. I haven't heard the rant. Why did he call us college kids baby boys? Did he say all college kids?

They were discussing trigger words and that all college students were baby boys and baby girls for being so easily offended



Since when do college students set the curriculum?

Since the 1960's more or less. Columbia/Cornell/Brown or some school like that started it in the 60's due to students angry at having to take a core curriculum. Now most universities are elective-based.

Because in doing nothing but electives /s

Syntax, grammar, spelling, humor errors.


He was speaking in generalities because he has never gone to college. This isn't a new phenomena and it isn't broad-sweeping. Since colleges were founded there was always a loud minority of college students who try to save the world with their half baked ideas and petitions. Most students aren't even aware that it is going on because they are busy taking classes, partying with friends and getting laid. I graduated about 5 years ago and I remember people holding rallies and walking around campus trying to get students to sign their various petitions. It's less than 1% of the college community who does this. The only reason that percentage seems amplified now is because Facebook, twitter, and blogging are all mainstream now. What used to be kept only to campus newsletters is now instantly broadcasted to the world. Here's the catch... Nobody takes this shit seriously. Just because some jerkoff tweets an idea he and a few "socially tolerant" friends hatched at a college doesn't mean it's going to be followed. College is just a place where people meet like-minded people and then feel like they want to impress their new friends. Jim is worrying too much about it and speaking in broad strokes about an issue that is really only relegated to a very small percentage of the college population. Although it is cute that since he is outraged about a gift shop at the 9-11 memorial he is right and any other opinion is stupid but a few pussy college kids talk about what they are outraged about and Jim immediately goes into his baby boy routine.

When jimmy was college aged he already called the white house while drunk. So you know he was a pretty cool dude at that age. So its totally reasonable he would feel alrite trashing these dorks. Hes a pretty cool dude.

By complaining that he mocked college students, you show yourself to be just the kind of over sensitive college cunt he was talking about. Shrug it off when they make fun of something that hits close to home for you, Nancy.

You're sure showing him with his whiney post of yours.

Jim's opinions on most things just seem so forced lately. Constantly getting so heated and angered over something that has never had nor will it ever have an affect on his life in anyway.

It seems like he feels he must have a strong opinion on everything and be either for or against.

Having said that, he made a really good point today about how the liberals have become everything they were once against, constantly oppressing and pointing the finger.

I'm probably going to regret this, but just who, exactly, are liberals oppressing?

Okay maybe oppressing is too harsh a word if you're taking it literally.. But Jim's point was that they're now the one's who are generally the reason for all these apologies as it's the 'liberal' media that is now the one that demands the apologies, whereas in the past they would have been the ones to allow everyone their own say.

I'm not championing conservative media or anything. It was just a good point by Jim that I haven't really heard being said too often.

He took that idea from Carlin. Not that it really matters, I'm just pointing out its origin.

Yeah I don't disagree with you there. 10 years ago I would've said liberals were the ones who were more accepting with different viewpoints and freedom of speech but it has definitely made the full 180

yeah, when i think open mindedness i think conservative.people like Ant for instance.

Fuck I always get downvoted when I involve politics

We all do on this sub.

Is Ant out there calling for apologies constantly?

Jim's opinions on most things just seem so forced lately.

It seems like he feels he must have a strong opinion on everything and be either for or against.

I've been feeling this too for a while now. It's like he thinks it's his time to shine when moral or social issues arise. Sometimes I don't really know if he believes what he's spewing. The worst part is his constant crutches of "baby boy", "be honest", "phonies", "embarrassing"...

When he was going off today I was just waiting for him to say "baby boy". Was almost shocked when he said it because I couldn't believe he's STILL saying it.

Anyway, fuck college kids.


Your comment is very cringe inducing.





What college did you attend?

"It's a shame he thinks of us all as needy, privileged, politically correct, and to quote him: "Baby boys and baby girls".

A large percentage of college kids are. What's your point?

Fuck. This is a hard one. I'm a college student and I want to say "we're not all the same maaahn" but then again, there's a lot of em who are exactly like that. And if Im upset by him calling college kids 'baby boys', then that makes me a baby boy. So I guess fuck it. Let him say what he wants, next week he'll hate something else. I'll still be a fan, and I won't be in college forever.

I don't know about you, but I go to college and nobody is like that. Most state colleges and universities are full of a bunch of normal kids. Every college student is either viewed as a rich douche from Yale or a hairy feminist for some reason when that only represents .001% of people in college. Most of the people liking his stand up specials on netflix are probably college students, not to mention the O&A fans who listen to him on youtube.

I've been to college, and most people were like that.

Fuck I was

my company usually hires new grads and they are whiny fucks. it does take about half a year for them to get rid of that annoying attitude.

You might feel different once you get away from college. I used to feel the same way you do but I went back to college in my mid-30s and it turns out that most of the students are whiney, entitled brats.

This. I dropped out, had a failed startup, went back and it was a revelation.


It's more and speaking as a guy who dropped out. Dealt with being broke, couldn't even get often a shit job, took shit from shady landlords. Luckily am going back after about three to four years.

I get how people complaining about being college poor, having hurt feelings etc... would piss him off.

I mean in reality everyone that age is an asshole, it's just especially for someone who only knows it from movies and the anecdotes of others it's gotta really get to you when they whine.

I don't know why you guys expect the b-b-b-b- to have valid opinions on things. Jim is an active addict, Ant is an alcoholic with severe emotional problems and enough money to avoid those problems for the rest of his life, and Opie has a family history of mental illness, signs of which he clearly exhibits himself. What the fuck do you expect from them? Just laugh at the funny parts and go fuck your mother.

They embellish their personalities for entertainment. If you like it, then enjoy

I understand the point of view, I cringe whenever I hear somebody older talk about "kids these days".

Everybody forgets and perpetuates the same shit.

If you compare news think pieces about Generation X against what they say about Gen Y it's almost identical.

But I think getting offended by it or letting it get to you is only proving their point.

Everybody is free to wear sunscreen

IMO he was talking less about the personal attitudes of individual college students than he was about the unprecedented amount of grievance-mongering that has become acceptable on campuses.

I happen to like the idea of college protests, and I think there are plenty of things to protest these days. Yet an increasing amount of attention is being squandered on minutiae, microagressions, trigger warnings, etc. at the expense of more substantial issues.

Anyway, I think this group was mentioned in Opie's article ... worth a look for anyone interested in the topic of campus free speech:


I went to a borderline community 4 year commuter college and there were liberals, but there were also conservative groups, and religious groups, and all sorts of cross sections of people with different thoughts and beliefs. We had a girl in a burka for fucks sake. So To give them all a generalized "liberal faggot" label just seems like lazy thinking.

It's easier to generalize college students based on some stupid PC yuppy college, than actually doing the hard work of thinking critically, which oddly enough, is what college teaches you. Jim didn't go to college.

By the way, I never felt like my thoughts were stifled by liberal professors.

did he use an ultimatum that you got offended by? pooor babyboy...

I was waiting for some college student who got offended to come here and make a post attacking Jimmy on this topic. So thank you for proving him somewhat correct.

Whenever Opie or Jim take over a segment with an angry rant, it really makes you appreciate Ant. A lot of his opinions are disgusting but the guy is always entertaining. He never tries too hard to be profound either, like Jimmy with his "do you see what you've become, liberals?" stuff.

Two high school dropouts and a broadcast major... The leading authority on higher education.

If you go to a private school (like these idiots) and you pay good money, you certainly ARE entitled to direct the curriculum towards the direction you want it. Whether you agree with them or not, is not the point. Again, Jimmy is just so ignorant.

He did a whole 3 weeks in college.

He's a recovering educaholic

Really truck driver are you in a place to judge

Nah man, I'm sure the $100,000 Opie pays per year for his kid to go to kindergarten won't make him entitled at all.

But hey, everybody gets a trophy, right?

What's weird is that I think someone did a survey on here a couple of weeks ago about what kind of people listen to O&A and the majority was college kids. I haven't heard the rant. Why did he call us college kids baby boys? Did he say all college kids?