Someones got to say it, Louie's show is kind of lame this season.

11  2014-05-20 by Scoop216

I get it, Louie is this brilliant, artistic, independent director and he wants everyone to know it. I guess this isn't a comedy anymore and he wants to be Woody Allen. Fine. After the brilliance of the late show arc from last season, where we last left him, these new episodes feel like a disappointment to me. This season seems like something hipsters will say is brilliant, but if anyone actually calls it out for being dull, "you just don't get it maannn!"


it's getting to the point where he could just sit on a park bench and watch cars drive by for 20 minutes and people would say "you just don't get subtle humor, man. maybe it's a little too intelligent for you"

blind fanboys are so much worse than overly negative trolls.

The show isnt meant to be funny all the time. Maybe your problem and the problem everyone else is having is the expectations they place on the show.

I enjoy the drama and the humor. I enjoy how he balances those two things. I enjoy how he explores REAL LIFE situations and doesnt fall back on comedy show tropes. Fuckin sue me.

If you really think everyone who enjoys Louie is a blind fanboy the blindness problem is not on their end.

I enjoy Louie. There's some brilliant stuff in every episode. I just think it's getting close to that territory where no matter what, people will feel obligated to rave about it and call it brilliant because they need to maintain this facade of feeling cultured, artistic, and unique.

I honestly believe he could show a black screen with piano music playing over it for the entire episode and people would call it brave and claim Louie was taking imaginative risks in a television market saturated with predictability, laugh tracks, and corporate sponsorship.

they haven't read the book



Rock the whole thing haha. I was there

I know it's the unpopular opinion too, but I'll agree with you. My wife and I said the same thing after last night's episodes. It's not so much comedy anymore as it is a slightly humorous take on the awkwardness of every day stuff.

What's the deal with baby AIDS rape?

I don't know that it's THAT unpopular of an opinion. A good episode gets a million viewers and half of them are TV bloggers.

So like a less funny Curb Your Enthusiasm?

Makes me wish Lucky Louie got another season. I think it had a better balance between funny and plot/depth

It also feels like the hipster Louis CK fans only see him as this subtle insightful comic while people who knew him pre-2010 know he's a hilarious fuck

That's how I feel when I see anyone outside this sub talk about him. They only know him as this mega famous comedian who's philosophic and insightful. And this is just really annoying to me since I remember him as a brutal and hilarious scumbag from his countless appearances on O&A before he got his show when he would come in like Vos or Bobby or Patrice and just hang out for the entire show. I really miss those days because these days, O&A and Jimmy all treat him like a booked guest rather than a friend of the show.

The last time he was in it was a standard interview. I miss him just hanging out and riffing. Now he goes on Howard before O and A because that's how Howard wants it.

I constantly think about any of Louis' many hilarious appearances from around 2007-2008. How little fucks he gave about what he was saying and how brutally funny it was. You reckon any of that shit could get him in trouble now?

You guys are a couple of hipsters.

I enjoy it. I don't expect every episode to leave me rolling in stitches. I find it interesting and entertaining. I like the way it's shot, and I like the situations the characters get in.

I only saw a couple of episodes but I definitely didn't find them funny. They were watchable but they were definitely more pretentious than comedic. He is trying to show off his directing skills and acting chops and ability to write dramatic scenes. That's all good and fine and he does a good job at those things but it's just a different show now. You can even tell when he is in studio and talks about his show and what goes into making the show that he wants people to understand just how hard he works and how cutting-edge and influential he is. I like the guy but he's becoming more Hollywood by the minute. That's success for ya though. I don't begrudge him that. He's still great, he's just not the same guy.

This pretty much sums it up. Louis CK was originally funny as the asshole middle aged guy who made rape jokes and was cruel and hilarious. Now he wants everything he says to be insightful and intelligent and he's totally abandoning comedy to make his show seem "deep"

he really does come in with a "I'm doing you a favor by fitting you in around Stern" attitude now, but the show doesn't help by not inviting and making regulars out of the new batch of NYC comedians.

I think Norton is afraid of getting passed up again by another batch of comics.

It's too late comics like Dan Soder and Amy Schumer already passed him

he's becoming more Hollywood by the minute.

That's really the nail being hit on the head. He seems waaay more full of himself than he did in years past. Do you think 2014 Louie would do a late night virus show on his own just for kicks? I doubt it. 2014 Louie comes around only to promote.

That's the truth and, like I said, I don't hold that shit against him. He worked a long time to be as famous and successful as he is now so if he wants to go this route that is his choice, he earned it. It just should be noted that it is obvious to his fans that he isn't the same guy he was.

Icculus1833 that's a great way of summing it up.Yeah they're watchable, and I don't find the season bad at all. I just don't find it really great as far as what I've seen from Louie in the past.

He's been really hit or miss for me since season 2 I think. Every episode centers around Louie or the audience feeling awkward. It's definitely Louie's style of filming that contribute's to that, but it just gets really old really fast.

Louie bought in to his own hype. He used to be this guy who doesn't give a shit, then he started dressing like a New York Hipster and turned in to Louie Seinfeld.

I also think that Louie might be better off making dramas for television than comedies. He's an amazing character writer.

Louie bought in to his own hype.

Or he's doing the show he's wanted to do all his life and spent almost 30 years building up the creative capital to do?

Did you ever see Lucky Louie? It was hilarious and way more in line with the style of his standup. He's capable of making a great comedy show, it's just not what gets him awards and praise.

New York hipster?


I'm surprised a troll account actually got this many upvotes on a low-brow comment like this

Louie is a great director and I like a lot of episodes of the show. I think some of the more surreal stuff he's done with the show has been incredible. However, by and large I don't give a fuck about the stories he's trying to tell lately. Outside of the Late Show arc, the past 2-3 seasons have not been very good, strictly from a storyline perspective.

I've only seen up through the first part of the elevator episodes so I'm behind but i thought the model/seinfeld episode was good. The sequence with his daughter getting off the subway was infuriating. But over all it's been hit and miss like most of the show has been.

I've liked it.

Louie CK is an incredibly talented guy insofar as he's so multitalented - it's amazing he can fill so many roles in producing a TV show, and fill them all so well. I think there are guys who would put out funnier shows, but I don't know anyone could do as much as Louie does as well as he does it. I think that's his brilliance.

I've liked it. It's relatable being the depressed lonely shut-in that I am. And it's a fun show to discuss. But I totally see where people are coming from by not liking it. The shows comedy that made the first season so great has long gone. And it really has transitioned into a kind of preachy take on te world. Louis is super talented and knows what he wants with the show and he's really good at gettin his intentions across on screen. But, all the hipster pretentiousness that's come from it can go fuck off. Some people look WAY to into it. I do miss the silliness it used to have though. That episode where he was at the airport made me laugh my balls off. This season really has just felt like a depressing lull, but I still like it. And we got to see Bobby in just a towel.


He actually said Elevator was an idea he had for a movie, like the one he released on his website, earlier this year.

I've never been able to watch more than 10 minutes. I find it and him depressing.

Louis CK changed a lot from fame.

He went from THIS to THIS

He changed, maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahn!

Be careful. Opie might steal that and put it on a T-Shirt

"Check out the changes, mahn."


Holy christ. That 2nd pic is fucking AWFUL.

He really does look like a middle aged garden gnome

He looks like a Russian at an airport

I don't consider myself a blind fanboy but I'm really enjoying this season so far, in as much as I've only seen the first 2 episodes. I don't know if he'll ever be able to top the 3 Late Show episodes from last season which had great writing as well as great guest stars in Garry Marshall and David Lynch.

So far, they haven't been uproarious laughter-inducing but still have been really funny just in how he gets himself in these uncomfortable situations. I feel the cringe in how I would react to such a situation. It's still very good writing. I don't think he's trying to be Woody because I don't find any of his movies remotely funny, other than a few scenes in Whatever Works.

It's early in this season yet, give him a chance.

Lately it feels like pure self-indulgence. His last special was pretty mediocre, too. I think he's just gotten a bit lazy and complacent with his recent successes.

I disagree. I still really like it and I think the joke-rich episodes are the exception not the norm, and always were, so I don't really get the criticism about the new episodes.

Remember in an earlier season he had an entire episode about his sister having a miscarriage that was humorless and dramatic only as a setup for a giant fart joke at the end. Then there was the episode with Doug Stanhope's character wanting to have one last drink with Louie before he killed himself.

The show is a weird experimental kind of show where you never really know what you're going to get. That's what I like about it.

I definitely don't think the show is a comedy, but I do like it. At the very least, I think you have to appreciate the fact that this show is exactly what Louie wants it to be. I don't think there is another show on tv that has that much freedom.

I just finished the first of this week's 2 episodes. Wow. What self-indulgent garbage. Glad he at least puts the standup in there at the end. The rest was like watching paint dry. I think next season he should follow up with 22 solid minutes of Louis CK looking at himself in a mirror. Give the fanboys what they want.

I don't agree. This season has been fucking awesome.

Not everything has to be stupid humor or AIDS jokes all the time.

Of course you simplify it down to that. I just said the Late Show arc was the best he's ever done. Was that stupid and full of Aids jokes? Has Louie's show ever been stupid and full of Aids jokes? There's a difference but if someone doesn't like it, they just like fart humor and don't get it.



Did I just stumble into /r/ronandfez?

I get what you're saying. I mean I love the show. it makes me laugh occasionally but most of the entertainment comes from interesting scenarios and story lines and the mood it sets. But it kills me when I sense he's trying to be the Louie everyone put on a pedestal. (saying something random isn't funny just because Louie c.k said it).

The first season and most of season 2 are constantly hilarious. The show has certainly changed but I still really enjoy it. It's not always funny but I always find it interesting.

Yes to all of this, I want to fucking laugh not whatever creep feeling I have after seeing this shit.

(In CS Kenny's voice) What can I say but it's "IT'S NO FRIENDS!".



I definitely think they are good episodes of television, they just aren't part of a comedy show. I guess it was just assumed it would be, but it isn't stated anywhere that is so.

That's d-o-l-l, dull


For whatever reason, every time a new season of this show comes out I give it another chance. And then 10 minutes into the first episode I think well, I still hate it. Liked the first season OK but I guess its just not for me.

I don't think it's lame at all, but it's definitely not a jokey joke show. He paces the humor that is there very slowly, and I don't really mind. Louis can obviously be funny; his stand up is hilarious, so it's not like he doesn't have the ability. But I don't think this show is necessarily supposed to be a funny show in the same way that Silicon Valley is a funny show or Arrested Development is a funny show. His show isn't necessarily a drama either, but just Louis CK's show. It's weird and touching and awkward and subtle and boring and sad and hilarious all at once, and there's nothing else on television or any format that's remotely similar. His show isn't perfect; in fact there's some episodes I've hated. But it's a unique show born from one person's vision and not audience testing or some other cynical shit, and that's why I like it.

I just enjoy that there's something original out there made by people willing to try something creative and different, that isn't another 3rd Planet Men from the Big Bang and a Baby Cunt show.

So far this season can't really be called a comedy. It feel like an awkward "slice of life" drama. I have zero interest in it because I already live my own fulfilling life. I don't have any desire to spend half an hour watching ordinary things happen to an ordinary person who is trying to convey some sense of wisdom on ordinary shit that everyone already knows. Yes we get it, kids have problems in schools sometimes and dating in your late 40's can be awkward and uncomfortable. Please share with us your view of how things should be and how well shot the scene is instead of making us laugh.

I feel like it's the same as with his last special. A lot of it felt like he was trying to invoke the feeling of "Oh! I never thought of it that way before!" instead of going for laughter.

I find it to be a pleasing show. Not hilarious or super comedic but just a nice show. I like the additions of surrealism he throws into the show - his white as fuck kids' mom being black, his agent being 12, etc.

It is boring as hell, i have watched the first 2 episodes and concluded it wasn't for me.

You have to accept that you're sense of humor and comedy is not the ONLY one available to everyone.

I understand what you are saying, but I politely disagree. The previous show and seasons had a different feel to them, but I have enjoyed the season. It is more of a character study of Louie's misery and flaws than just pulling comedy bits.

Not much on the show has been more hilarious than him bashing the talking lady in the comedy club.

I do like that you pre-emptively attack everyone who might disagree with your opinion. Referring to all those who would dare call you out for being a dullard, the worst thing ever..."hipsters". I know it's tough to feel as if you know everything and then you are unable to detect and enjoy some of the more subtle comedy in this season so far. You probably need to live a fuller life. Or just tweet Louis and tell him he needs to punch it up for next season.

Frankly, if you didn't laugh your balls off at Bobby Kelly sitting on the couch in a wash cloth then you should see a doctor. A medical doctor if you are fat and felt embarrassed by your own girth or a psychologist because you can only find hate where joy abounds.

TL;DR - Even non-hipsters think "you just don't get it maahn." Bobby Kelly, no shame, wearing only a wash cloth.

I laughed twice in the two episodes last night.

The three legged dog and Bob Kelly being really fat. Both of those things happened 45 minutes into the hour long block I believe.

I have enjoyed the rest of the season though.

Louis is still one of the funniest stand-ups around, but his show is not on the same level as his stand-up. It has funny moments, but a lot of the time when I'm watching it, I forget that it's supposed to be a comedy at all. I actually do like it, and I get the subtle humor of the show, but it isn't something I watch when I need a good laugh.

You know how comedians take situations and exaggerate them to make them funnier, purposely making it over the top to get laughs? Most episodes of Louie seem like the real life version of those stories.

ballwashing faggot, choke on his dick then if you like it so much

you've now said 'ballwashing' in half of your posts in the last 22 hours.

that's why you and your multiple fake accounts always got caught, that abject lack of imagination or even the basic intellectual horsepower that would allow you to be able to change it up.

one idea at a time with you. locked in. no room for anything more.

a one note, pantomime rage, attention seeking, lonely little piece of shit.

end it. end it violently, blame them in the note, that'll teach them.

lol you've said this exact same thing to me in all but a handful of replies to me:

"lonely" "attention seeking" "end it" "fake accounts"

you sure know a lot about a lack of imagination there ;-)

That is because you are only here looking for attention. A tumour. Third-rate sub 4chan trolling for someone to argue with, someone to notice you.

I refuse to give you the type of attention you come looking for.

Do not fool yourself here. This is not a conversation, and it's not an argument, and it never will be. This is not the shoddy imitation of social interaction that you pathetically crave.

This is me telling you to hang yourself. That's all you get from me, that's all you are ever going to get, that's all you are worth.

And I'll keep repeating it, until you finally find the courage to stretch that lonely neck of yours. Don't be a loser all your life. Take control. End it. No more fake rage, no more attention seeking, no more tears.

That is because you are only here looking for attention. A tumour. Third-rate sub 4chan trolling for someone to argue with, someone to notice you.

I refuse to give you the type of attention you come looking for.

And I'll keep repeating it


That's just his little act falling apart, try not to look directly at it.

"I refuse to give you the type of attention you come looking for."

Yet you do every single time, like the little bitch boy puppet that you've become :)

"The type of attention" - "type", say it lonely, say it.

You want someone here to take you seriously. To engage with, to notice, because no-one in your real life will. Nothing is more obvious. A posting history like yours is a tragedy unrolling.

I tell you to hang yourself. That's not why you perform this manchild act.

That's not what you need to hear. One good push.

Explain exactly what you are waiting for here. Explain the fantasy that you think this somehow gets better for you. If you're too scared, get drunk first, just do it. No-one here will blame you.


I love picturing how upset this makes you, it makes me laugh and laugh.

Did you LOL, did you?

No you didn't you snivelling liar cunt.

You don't ever laugh, you may impotently rage out loud, or adopt fake angry persona out loud, but there's precious little joy in your existence. That's way too obvious. That's obvious from miles away. Which is why you have to fill your miserable days, one after the other, playing at being internet angry.

Take a proper look at yourself, you are a fucking caricature. One dimensional and crushingly unoriginal. What a fucking waste of everyone's time you are. Friendless, socially inadequate, a burden/embarrassment to your family.

What went wrong, you keep asking yourself.

I don't care though, I'll keep rubbing your fucking nose in it. No joke, no bit, just the honest task of leaving you in zero doubt as to your weakness and cowardice.

Keep pretending to laugh, keep going to sleep angry, confused and tear-stained.

End it.


You are a hilarious and sweet little boy. Your fake rage goes between being laughable and pathetic. Keep up the tough guy act, you're doing great!

That's essentially the same reply you just posted previous.

Running on empty already son? - you fucking lack-of-imagination cunt.

A mile out of your depth. That's exactly what I mean by the wrong type of attention. You can only survive with hit and runs, anyone bothers to properly come back at you and the wheels fall right the fuck off.

You are limited. You're not smart enough for this gig. I like exposing your limitations, your lack of ability. I enjoy the fact it hurts your lonely school-shooter ego.

I'll have you on the end of that rope sooner than later. You're a project.

Every post you make is the same, ineffectual, fake-bravado bullshit, and it's laughable that you think it is annoying me.

You're nothing here, much like you are everywhere in life. Perhaps that's why you talk so tough here. Does someone beat you at home? Mommy's "friend", maybe? Is he a black gentleman? I thought so. Don't worry, I'm sure mommy still loves you.

You're the shit on the bottom of my shoe, you one-track-mind too-retarded-to-even-drool always-hyphenating-but-not-saying-anything-new faggot.

Oh yes, say somethign about me being lonely and then tell me to hang myself, that's every single reply and apparently it's all you've got. Don't worry kid, someday someone will laugh at something you say. For now you're just a transparent little zero.

I can't wait for your next post. If I didn't know you were a barely-functional failed abortion then I would be surprised that you don't realize how one-track you are, my little bitch boy. Come on, keep sucking my cock you little faggot. That's a good little bitch boy. :)

Do you see how your attempt was nowhere near as good as mine.

How unconvincing it read. Hollow, clumsy, desperate and misfiring.

That's because you are second rate. You tried your absolute best, you put all your fucking effort into it, and look how short you landed. Wasn't even close, another failure.

Story of your fucking life.

End it. You are just dragging it out for no fucking good reason now. And here's the thing, you know it.

Ooooooh this was your "insightful post" wasn't it? That's so nice.

Speaking of failures, your long ass post has yet again failed to get a rise out of me as much as my posts obviously irritate you. Not even an iota as mad as you are right now.

Sure, you'll play the brave role of "I'm just posting here to show how you are a blaaaah blah blah blah". Yes, you keep telling yourself that, champ.

And you'll reply to this message once again. Why? You're compelled to. You have to get the last word in. You can't let me win. Not replying is letting me win because you couldn't get your last little useless paragraph in, but then replying means that I won.

So what's it going to be, faggot?

See when you have to attempt the weak "last word strategy", who exactly do you think it fools. It reeks of desperation. You must think we're as dumb as you, you delusional dumb idiot cunt.

Every fucking move you make is telegraphed in advance, obvious, basic and clumsy. You keep proving you're second rate.

Just quit if you can't keep up. If you need to surrender. Admitting that would be the honest, proper grown-up thing to do. Which is why your broken manchild ego will refuse to let you do it. I'll keep hammering you for fun, everyday, every single day, just because I want to. You are a noisy little cunt, and I'm going to keep stepping on your throat.

Look at where you've ended up.

The tough guy shit this fake character, fake account, of yours used to post, and now look at what you're reduced to - a snivelling, wimpering, little cunt trying to get out from under it. The biggest tragedy, it wasn't even difficult to do, that's the saddest part. Zero fucking challenge.

Now fucking end it, lonely. No one will much care.

Again with the same old shit from you.

-critique my last post

-amateur psychoanalysis based on your time in /r/psychology

-annoying cadence like you're saying something profound and important

-tough guy act that nobody is impressed or intimidated by

-"lonely", "cunt", "fake account" and "end it"

It's all the same every single time from you. I do love how you vowed to not give me any attention but you've gone back and forth with me for days, because you just can't help yourself. Just admit that you're my bitch and we can end this impasse.

Look at you squirming.

What a fucking inadequate cunt. Another embarrassing display.

Internet tough guy mask long gone now, a whining little baby asking to be left alone.

Fuck you.

You started this, maybe next fake account you'll try and pretend to be a proper fucking grown-up.

End it you rage filled autistic cunt - before you end up on the front pages like your virgin lonely pal.

Again with the "end it" "cunt" "fake account" "showing off for imaginary crowd".

When are you going to come with something new?

You don't get new attention, haven't you figured it out idiot.

You'll keep getting exactly the same lines, and that's all you'll get, every time. Nothing more, no extra conversation for you, you filthy miserable lonely cunt.

When are you going to end it you snivelling zero?

And stream it, I want to see you dance as you choke your last few breaths. Mention me in the note, I'd like credit for cleaning you out.

What are you waiting for lonely, you scared?

You'll keep getting exactly the same lines, and that's all you'll get, every time.

I know, because you have nothing. It's disappointing. I expected a lot more out of you...I don't know why, but I did.

Stop trying to start a conversation you lonely angry child.

Kill yourself you filthy cunt.

Start a conversation with you? Why would I do that? You're sounding like the lonely and defensive one here. Fess up, who was it that touched you, your dad? The large moslem that used to come around when your pops wasnt home? He'd come in your room late at night and would put his mouth on your peepee. You have so many tells. You want me to kill myself but you really wish that for one minute you could be free of the burden of knowing that some older man sucked your little cock and swore you to secrecy. Its okay, we still think you're a little faggot but maybe it wasn't that which turned you into one.

Let's hope you are not older than 13 years old, otherwise you have to be ashamed at how poorly you write. Are you an angry child, rather than man-child?

You have zero ability in this regard. Everything reads like it was a struggle. It is embarrassing to look at.

A clumsy lumbering attention-seeking lonely idiot.

Kill yourself.

I actually was going for more of a back-handed compliment. It's a good show but it is over-rated. It's supposed to be a comedy, so the fact that it doesn't really make me laugh a lot is kind of a knock at it. And yet, something keeps me watching. That doesn't mean I think it's the greatest show ever though.

I enjoy it. I reminds me of Woody Allen's film work. He's focusing on relationships more and taking a more subtle approach. It remains completely unique compared to everything else on TV today, and for that alone I'm glad it's still running. I can't discount anyone for not enjoying it, but I think it's great.

More than anything I can't stand the music that he uses. It just has this pretentiousness abut it that really annoys me.


OP has AIDS. I saw the first two episodes of Louie's newest season and laughed out loud multiple times.

Wrong sub. It happens don't worry about it.

We all value your opinion

Louie bought in to his own hype.

Or he's doing the show he's wanted to do all his life and spent almost 30 years building up the creative capital to do?

Did you ever see Lucky Louie? It was hilarious and way more in line with the style of his standup. He's capable of making a great comedy show, it's just not what gets him awards and praise.

New York hipster?

I'm surprised a troll account actually got this many upvotes on a low-brow comment like this