A warm welcome for our two newest redditors

6  2014-05-19 by SXMGirl


Looks up from book, turns to camera

"Oh hi! I didn't see you come in!"


I wouldn't be surprised if both accounts belong to /u/SXMGirl

Look guys, fucking Poirot over here has cracked the case.


They don't.




Ugh, what are you? Fourteen?


That's too old. Shure.

/u/opantxm, sounds right up your alley.

The true question, is will she suck my cock without me having to use my knife on her.

It was meant to be taken semi-facetiously.

The sad part is that Sirius is so out of touch (as a company) with social media and platforms, I could actually see this happening.

Exactly which is sad because things like all the Patrice O'Neal appearances being posted on YouTube has probably helped O&A grow more than anything recently. Free content is good for SiriusXM, and the boys.

Agreed, Sirius could have been out ahead of that by both doing it themselves, or hiring third party people like Steven Knight (thank you for your service) to do it for them.

I've read that Howard's team and SXM have left streams/uploaders alone as long as they don't try to make money off of the show AND they leave the commercials in.

Hm. The commercials are THE WORST though. I wouldn't care if it was legit products, but I actually subscribe to Sirius, and look for it elsewhere without the commercials.

Where was this posted?

Live listening thread 5/19

Monday's listening thread.


edit: The OCD downvoter on this sub seriously needs to get a fucking life.

Fucking sockpuppets.