Uncle Todd loves the kids..

34  2014-05-19 by SXMGirl


It's Chester McPedophiliagillicutty

i went to your ice cream shop and they stuck a child in my ass


Chester P. Childtouch.

Suuuure, Jerky.

On his twitter this was captioned with "look at these little nuggets." Seriously.

I'm sure they taste delicious too

He is trying to get mocked right?

No, he's trying to get some ass.


Him and Dave Herman are the best DJ's in the business. Shure.

He looks like white Obama.

I bet Todd has nipple piercings.

The look on his face says "They're chafing me"

Hey there, this is Eddie McRubbatush.

Oh Uncle Todd..

Todd's the main man now that Dave Herman's out of the picture.

Does the girl on the right shirt say "Juicy Girl"?

Yes...yes she does...

Just the way Todd likes them.

6, 1, 2, 3

It's too late now cause here comes uncle toddddd!


That's one Howdy Doody looking motherfucker.

Too bad Ant has already tagged the ones on the left.

"I would like to enter Exhibit A into evidence...depicting Mr Pettengill's flagrant display of his sexual desires"

His target demographic for radio and one night stands.



I bet you this creep has his little shrimp dick pressed up against the girl in the skirt.

Ugh, his face is truly hate-able. What a douche.

Faggy aging hipster dying his hair, changing his show format, only to get crushed by Scott. The kid touching would only be the topper.

The idea that a guy is taking an innocent picture with kids, and the only thing you guys can think about is pedophilia, speaks way more about the user's intentions here.



The look on his face says "They're chafing me"