Rich Vos, Keith Robinson and Jimmy did a pilot together? Does it exist online anywhere???

17  2014-05-18 by [deleted]

On Thursday's show, it was revealed that Jimmy, Keith and Vos did a pilot together that wasn't picked up. Has anyone seen it?


"Did I cum or break my hip"

(11-year-old girl clearly visible in reaction shot)

yeah I noticed that too -_-

Ugh. The record scratch.

Prepare to laugh your nupts off?


my face scrunched in disgust


Unfortunately Vos slobbered all over the only copy during the editing process destroying it forever.

I remember Opie & Anthony did a pilot for Comedy Central or MTV that was a Kenny Vs. Spenny/Jackass type of show that had Rich Vos and Keith Robinson boxing each other. No copies leaked that I am aware of.

It was more of a Mythbusters meets Jackass.

Pretty sure it was called search and destroy.

Listening to the replay, to me it sounded like they mentioned a project that O&A weren't a part of.

The pilot hopefully exists in a landfill somewhere.

If I remember right, Rich said something about "How could a TV producer not want to pick this up?" as he was describing the general fun atmosphere with all the comedians in the room.


No, it does not. It was also not revealed for the first time that this pilot existed as Rich has brought it up many times before. You have the memory of a truck driver, Lady Trucker.

It exists. They have top men working on it right now. Top. Men.

Three guys who are awkward in front of a camera and can't act? I've gotta see this thing.