Intern David

9  2014-05-17 by decoupage44


Just pay the kike.

if a cop didn't see it than it never happened, right?

give him the ole wood shampoo

Clock in at the precinct, change into the blues, go on patrol, respond to a break an enter, bash the darkie's skull in, head back to the station, clock out, head home, watch the Yanks, drink myself to sleep and repeat tomorrow. Hey what do I know?

This sounds, uh, incredibly personal Regular Joe. Want to talk about it?

Again, just thinking out loud here, but... I suppose if we were to kidnap our David, we would have to meet outside the 9/11 Museum on Friday evening. He's always in a hurry to get home before the sun sets on Shabbos.

Yeah, and I suppose that since this is purely hypothetical, the legal polite yadayadayada isnt necessary. Kidnapping, beating, maybe even a little rape are on the table. I like where this is going.


When's it going down? I'll book a flight to NYC for the sole purpose of raping that Christ killer's asshole.

I love the thought of the fact that whenever Sam or anyone from the show sees David he immediately sprints away from them. How fucking awesome would that be to see? All of us in the northeast coast should arrange a tour from David and record it

He wants nothing to do with the show.