Opie was horrible on yesterday's show. Where would he be without Anthony?

0  2014-05-16 by ChippyKasem

He constantly steps on other people's lines, repeats his unfunny opinions and complains about others. How does he make more money than Jim when all he literally does is introduce a new topic or guest and then let Ant and Jim's brilliance carry the show. I truly believe Anthony is his jackpot and one of the most effortlessly humorous people on earth. Opie is just an idiotic 'shock jock' who can only get a laugh by creating awkward moments such as hanging up on callers, berating coworkers or throwing poker chips.


He'd probably be your average jock in a small town, and he'd be in a much better place than Anthony.

Ant would still be knocking tin on the top of a Dunkin' Donuts at some trashy strip mall in Suffolk County.

How does he make more money than Jim when all he literally does is introduce a new topic or guest and then let Ant and Jim's brilliance carry the show

Because he's the only one who has any idea how to run a show. His occasional (ok, frequent) stupid or unfunny interjections don't change the fact that the pogram is often an unlistenable clusterfuck when he's out.

don't change the fact that the pogram is often an unlistenable clusterfuck when he's out.

This is complete shite that is disproven every time we have a Nopie show. Jim, Sam, Travis & Erock all step up when opie isn't there and the show is much better without his tired idiosyncratic schtick.

Please prove me wrong and show me an example of a Nopie "unlistenable clusterfuck".

Live from the Compound

edit fa-la-la la-la

...is not a Nopie show.

It's the kind of show you'd get if people here got their way and O&A went their separate ways to do podcasts.

Jim would do a podcast but everyone knows you can't get podcast equipment into the city.

You guys act like if Opie left no one could take his spot. There are a million people in the world that could run the show. Fuck, Denny would make a hell of a host in replacement. At least he can roll with the punches and provide a source of entertainment.

Heh. Sure.

You think its fair to compare that drunken mess LFTC to a produced radio show (minus opie)?

Yes, because production/imaging pieces have little to do with the flow of the show; they don't control what the hosts discuss or where they digress to. And let's be honest, Ant's segues are as graceful as a flash mob of cerebral palsy patients.

There's a huge difference between switching on a connection and just fucking around for a couple thousand fans and the radio show

But it is an example of how Anthony wants to run a show, and when Opie is out, Ant is in charge.

Remember the "Anthony Show" sweeper? "Racism and guns". Whee.

Dunno about that, the Ant, Patrice and Joe shows were excellent and not an Opie in sight

They weren't happening 4 hours a day, every day for 20 years though. Everything's good in small doses.

Also Patrice was the best frequent comedic guest the show has ever had which helps.

Plus Patrice was able to turn Ant's tired old racial rants into something entertaining. When it's just Ant and Jim, at best you'll get a timid rebuttal.

You're acting like people speak up against Opie. Only time I've heard someone do it was yesterday by Jimmy because of the lady di thing

Me bringing up that people are afraid confronting Ant is not saying it's different.

That is a complete myth created by Opie to justify his existence. Nopie shows are awesome.

Yeah, he's the least entertaining but he knows radio more than Ant and Jim. It's the one thing he's good at, and it's definitely needed.

This is such dumb way to analyze a radio show like this. It's not a 20 minute comedy show where all that matters is getting jokes out and being the funniest guy.

It's about conversation and chemistry and the show would no doubt be missing something without Opie. Sure he's not a joke-y funny guy but he's absolutely entertaining and brings a lot to the table.

The Todd&Opie show

(Kevin Hart talks about meeting Obama)
Keith: Vos met Nixon.
Ant: He golfed with him.
Opie: (Goofy voice) Golfed with him! Yeah!

Good contribution.

He had a good line on Thursday.

(Paraphrasing) "We're never very far from this" in reference to Ant's racism. I laughed pretty hard.

Get over it


He'd be todd.

The most annoying part is he says "oh my god, we went from such and such to lady di."

Don't answer the fucking phone you asshat

Working overnights at wbab

What's that?

who can only get a laugh by creating awkward moments

who laughs?

Opie is who pushes the terrible zoo bits like twichels, di, etc

Jim needs to get off the tranny bit, but I think he was genuinely frustrated with putting that slob on the phone yesterday and many of us agreed with that.


Calling Opie unfunny, and then using that as justification to want him off the show is like watching a dance contest and asking that the DJ be kicked out for not dancing. He might be doing a bad Ronnie B. impression, but he's busy enough with controlling the show that being funny is not his top priority.

Captain Opie sucks too

As everyone has said, Opie is the ringleader. That made me think though, is Howard Stern anything more than that, is he actually funny by himself? Honestly asking, because I don't listen to Howard, but it seems like he has Opie's role, Robin has Ant's, and Artie had Jimmy's.

Nice first post, faggot

i think it was a great post with a great subject. nice work Chippy. keep em cumin'. don't listen to this homosexual.

That's what I said, nice post faggot

thanks. seems to be getting good traffic.

You should throw yourself into oncoming traffic.

He'd be on the stern (HooHoo) of a ship. Get it? He's a rudder he steers the ship. I should be 4th mic I'm so funny. Pm me Sam.


Opie's totally the ringmaster who makes it work. He's happy for others to get the laugh lines as long as they happen. He repeats things sometimes just to refocus the bit. He does a lot of stuff that is pretty meta, and actually sharper than it can seem even if it isn't a technical definition of subtle. Sometimes he goes for things and they don't work too, of course. But there's a reason why Ant works with him and doesn't run the show as much as participate in it. Even if the content of a particular show is 90% not-Opie, the framework of the show is 70% Opie in my opinion.

Ha, satire! I like it.

Great explanation. I have no idea why the fuck these dumbfucks don't get it

Thanks, appreciated. : )

Probably some don't want to get it...makes it easier to shit on things, even if it's something they enjoy and listen to of their own free will.

They don't work 95 % of the time


He's so much richer than you to and you don't matter. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OP is a fucking idiot. Better question is where would Ant & Jimmy be without Opie? Ant would be a drunk tin knocker, and Jimmy would be a mid comedy act living with his parents down in Jersey still.

Who getting Comedy Central shows because he's not locked up in new york

If you hate him so much then don't listen. Also, Anthony and Jim don't exactly have the drive to keep a show focused and moving forward. Opie presents the topics, adds his two cents, and then opens the field for Ant and Jim to bring the laughs. Opie is the show runner, not the comedian.
I actually think Opie is hilarious but just not in the quick one-liner type of way that you get from the comedians.

God I'm so tired about people bitching about Opie. Be constructive and initiate another circle jerk complaining about Roland like you're supposed to.

Plus Patrice was able to turn Ant's tired old racial rants into something entertaining. When it's just Ant and Jim, at best you'll get a timid rebuttal.

...is not a Nopie show.