Today is one of those must listen days

36  2014-05-15 by Whyver

Comics tearing each other up. I laughed my ass off


Once Vos came in the show really took off.

After all he's Vos the boss.

Lishten, heres da ting, firsht of all, ok, i kill on shtage, ask bonnie

Looshen up people...

I'm dodgin' her.


Why are you stereotyping eskimos?

Machew bring me der fire wahter.

... huh?

Vos could give Rick Ross a run for being called the BAWS!!!

Someone needs to tweet him this. I don't think it's ever been said.

I also love that he was the only one with big enough balls to talk shit to R. Lee Ermey.

Kevin Hart was killin like a Nigerian warlord

Highlight of the day right there. Everyone in the room was taking shots at eachother. It was a fucking delight.

Lil Kev was in?!


All that trashing and Opie couldn't handle one dig at his shirt. He's just so awful.

I really wish he could chill the fuck out. It's weird that he can sit there and see everyone around him getting trashed and not see it as a good thing and a sign of strength.

There was also the bullshit about "you guys don't know them, but I have friends" that he said like it was a joke. So pathetic.

I thought that was hilarious, they made a little jab about his shirt and he made of of Vos' mother dying...

It really is a great show. Reminds me of the old days


i fucking love when vos is on


Much bigger fan of Vos appearances like this when Bonnie isn't there.

I like when it's just Vos and Bonnie otherwise vos is too outnumbered

I can't listen if they're the only two in studio.

The sound of Bonnie's voice and the sheer stupidity that is Vos makes me want to take an icepick to my brain.

I liked when Jim went off on Opie for putting pig lady on the air. Fucking cunt should have a finger nail pulled out everytime he answers her phone call.

yes! "it's not fate! we can hang up on her!"

I dunno, I think that gave way to a pretty funny few minutes of radio.

how was R. Lee Ermy? I had class and missed that part of the show?

The segment was funny

good to know thanks

It was great Ant tried to talk to him about his career and Vos kept butting in with terrible jokes making it awkward lol

I lost it when Keith called Kevin and Jim's imaginary movie "Tranny Hunter". Hard to pick a line of the day today

Already 3 minutes into Stevey Knight's clip (promoted) and Ant's Dice Vos quip is a fucking killer.

Yeah these are the type of epsidoes I listen to and admire from years ago

when someone gets a chance can i get a link??

Please please please jump off a tall building


just goes to show they NEED comics in there to really have a great show. throw opie out the door and always have comics rotated in 24/7

It's working great for Ron and Fez, right?

Mhmmm I almost broke a fingernail rubbing myself to today's show. I LOVE when my boys get fiesty ;)

Get aids.

too late :(

Anyone know a place a man could listen to the show? There used to be a website Ted's O and A emporium but alas it is gone.

Nice try Tim Sabean


Took a bit of searching but I think I found it...

Another pathetic attempt to recreate when that fat diabetic disaster Patrice was in the studio. Fell pretty flat imho

hahahaha you're truly an idiot troll. go back to listening to that droning, egotistical, boring old jew Howard.

That disaster achieved more than you ever will.

Highlight of the day right there. Everyone in the room was taking shots at eachother. It was a fucking delight.

Lil Kev was in?!