Show names in the book "Dark Places"

3  2014-05-14 by [deleted]

Has anyone else read this book? There are characters named Jim Jeffreys and Lyle, the name Opie is mentioned at one point, there is a Mrs. Nagel and also a character named Diane. I'm only a third of the way through, just thought it was funny and kind of takes me out of the story.


A show listener who's capable of writing a book? That don't make no sense!

You read?

What do you read?

pretty much close to the end, the mayor dies in a car crash.


It was written by a semi-attractive woman!

Her bio says she's married.


Not that unbelievable. Probably some dude who listened to a lot of o&a while trying to come up with material.

Looks like we got ourselves a reader