Do you ever sense any resentment from Jim and Ant for having to carry the majority of the interviews?

0  2014-05-14 by ryanasimov

This is not an "I hate Opie" post, but more about the division of labor.


No, not really. Different guests appeal to different hosts. What's really easy to sense is when all three have next to nothing to say to a guest that Roland forced on them.

if anyone is silent during an interview it means it was a bad booking. Usually when that happens jimmy is the one who will feel awkward and force questions. Like when that guy brought guacamole jimmy kept trying to ask real questions, felt bad for him. He hates the awkwardness and opie and ant were perfectly fine with letting it sit there. Gotta admire that.

No because there's been plenty of times Jimmy doesn't say anything at all especially during interviews. Jimmy wrote two books while pretty much being on air. There's no resentment.

I feel like Ant takes over many of the interviews and plays the "nice guy who reads pre-agreed upon questions off of a list" role.

Ant is a pussy and cracks any time he is made to feel an emotion besides anger. He gets all quiet and tiny as he imagines airborne italian pasta.

Not always. For wrestling guys Opie and Anthony completely take over while Jimmy stays silent

*With Sam occasionally chiming in and monitoring the interview.

Jim and Ant resent having to laugh at Opie repeating their own jokes back to them.


I try not to get in on the Opie hate too much, but this. They clearly fake laugh every time he opens his mouth. I also can't stand how he continues to STEAM ROLL over every other person in the room regardless of what they are saying.

Yesterday Ant began a story "There was this one time a woman..." (paraphrasing) and Opie just fucking interrupted it with some inane blather that stopped Ant dead in his tracks. I kept hoping he'd go back to the story but never did.

Why would he?

" anyway about that woman I used to know, she-" "HOLDONHOLDONHOLDON! FUCK! We gotta take a very important call."

Interviewing is just not Opie's strength so he just hangs back. I think they're all fine with it.

Neither is comedy. Wish he'd hang back and let the funny guys be funny.

I think jim and ant often sit there wishing Opie doesn't open his mouth.

Funny, because I think Opie talks too much during interviews.