Time to restart the "Bitching about the company" clock.

4  2014-05-13 by blindkeller


I can't believe Opie called someone a fat fuck live on the air. That's so fucking edgy and hilarious, especially when he says it ten times in one minute.

It was like a real time portrayal of Milton (the stapler guy) from Office Space. Spectrum-level obsession.

Well it was vaguely insinuated that Ronnie was the fat fuck in question. If so, that could have gone somewhere.

There's no way Opie would ever go after Ronnie. I say this because Opie does nothing but kiss Ron's ass, to the point where it's embarrassing, when his name is mentioned.

We're never going to make it to ten days.

Ehhhhhhhhh, that's the bit.

Last bitch: May 13th 2014 - Broken Chair

ffffffat fffuckness
