Sal looks disgusted with Roland. Sal is in w/ #RolandGate

26  2014-05-13 by chipppper


Pizza delivery guys dress more appropriate for work than that fat fuck does.

Seriously. Basketball shorts and a T-shirt a size too small? What a fucking lazy slob.

That's how he dresses for work what a fucking slob

It's one thing for ant or Opie, but isn't he supposed to be the first face an a lister sees to represent the show and Sirius?

This guy showed up to work once with a sizeable jizz stain on his shirt. Gross beyond measure.

Fat motherfucker is probably on hold to another chef.

Yes, hes trying to book the witch from Hansel and Gretel.

Ugh, jesus. His body is fucking disgusting. He's killing himself with this food. Dumb fuck won't stop until he dies.

The show needs more food segments.

Good, that's what we all want to happen

He talks like a retard, seems mentally unstable, dresses like a hoarder and probably smells like shit. I don't want to know what that stuff on his shoulder is.

It still amazes me how SiriusXM allows this obese disaster into the building, let alone to interact with their celebrity guests.

Hoarder was the first thing that came to mind. Right after slob.


And you know he's never played basketball in them.

Is there a greater athletic disparity in all of clothing articles than people who regularly wear basketball shorts?

Good point. He's never played a game of basketball in his life.


and surprise surprise he's fucking eating

It's head is swallowing it's face!

Roland always leaves events early because he'd have to squeeze his fat fuck body through crowds of people if he left at the same time as everyone else.

According to Sam, he also gets to work way early at 5am just so he can ride the subway with Sal because he's scared to ride it by himself. Ugh.

I always wondered why Roland would be there at 6am. Why would a talent booker need to be in studio at 6am when they don't even have a guest on that particular day?


Moose Knuckle

Hmmm im beginning to think Opie hires people that make him look good

Roland just needs to shave his head and he'll have officially gone full Tor Johnson.


Bobo has better fashion sense than Roland, and probably has better hygiene.

And a better exercise regimen (running 10 feet around the back yard in a circle).

God, he is a fat disgusting slob.

How the fuck does one think it's OK to dress like that for work?

Basketball shorts and a t-shirt. That is what I wear to bed. How is that remotely acceptable for someone who is not "talent?" They really seem to run a tight ship at Sirius/XM.

That said, how does he even get entry into any decent restaurant? Does he secretly have 52x32 dress pants with a 40 inch neck dress shirt and an XL tie? Or do they serve him out back like during the segregation era?

I can smell the cronut sweat through my computer monitor



a gunt on a cunt

he's on the phone trying to book the doorman!

Sal looks like he's sitting backwards in his chair.

"Let's rap."


Not to pile on, but that's not even proper attire for a physical education teacher.

How unprofessional.

Each one of this slob's fat thighs weighs more than Erock. Is everyone blind at that fucking studio?

Jesus, look at those ham hock legs.

I can't even look at that fat Mexican without getting angry anymore



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According to Sam, he also gets to work way early at 5am just so he can ride the subway with Sal because he's scared to ride it by himself. Ugh.

Seriously. Basketball shorts and a T-shirt a size too small? What a fucking lazy slob.