Listening to the Hop Along Howie interview of Louie. Have the boys discussed Sterns voice changing?

0  2014-05-13 by sixohsicks

TL;dl: Howard could be talking over dentures.

9:35 you can hear it


He schoundsch like Rich Voschcshs

He's been a vain millionaire since he was in his 30's, does it make any sense that he would let his teeth deteriorate to the point of dentures instead of just getting caps/veneers like every other celebrity? He admitted to caps decades ago when they first started making fun of BaBaBooey's terrible caps.

Howard's Louie interview was better than the last 5 Louie O&A appearances.

He's had them for years. I listened to Stern off and on until 2009 and I remember he'd make that dentures shound every once in a while.

Father Time is a terrible thing


eh, just the first time i noticed it