Norm MacDonald gives O&A a shout-out on his AMA.

35  2014-05-13 by dianakurlan2


I imagine the first question about O&A brought them up and he made a cordial reply. The second answer claiming they're his favorite comedians was a call-back. He's been on the show once.

He was great, but Jimmy had to rush him and Colin out to get the brilliant and always hilarious Brock Lesnar in.

Jimmy had to rush him and Colin out to get the brilliant and always hilarious Brock Lesnar in.

I just want people to read that twice, in case it didn't sink in. I was very disappointed too. Brock can come back another day.





Jimmy : UFC fighters :: Roland : pastry chefs

Erock : little boy dolls

Denny : trafficked chinese babies

The worst thing Jim Norton has done.

Both fine fellas

I think both comments were facetiously.


Enough about Norm, when are we gonna get some more UFC guys on the show?

Norm said every single person mentioned was great to work with. Read the AMA, and experience his brilliance.

Norm is always sarcastic.

How insulting to Anthony must it be that he's tied with Opie as a comedian?

Good to know, especially since he went on Howard a lot

Narm Mcdonalds.. whut dus he have farm or sumptin... tsss

I always thought Norm was a Hoo-Hoo lackey.

holy shit that is so fucking badass and incredible.

Answering a question = "shout-out?" God damn the minor leagues are sad.

He was paying homage to the Kings of All Media - O&A

hoo hoo

I keep getting shadowbannned... :(

probably your IP is banned

Dammit, shadow banned again. This site is run by dirty leftists.

Norm is always sarcastic.