Hey man, would you have listened to an Opie music show?

9  2014-05-12 by oandasuperfan

He talked about it today and he shut it down cuz management gave him a playlist and he couldn't play "whatever the fuck" and "mix the old with the new" and "throw in a lil rap and whatever he's feeling".


Fuckin' management, man. Keeping the Opster down all these years. Who knows what deep cuts from Alice In Chain or STP he might have blown our minds with if they ever dared to give him free rein.

Who is STP? Oh, you must mean S-T-PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!

Love those deep cuts he references - but for everyone else they were just known as the second single from the album...

lol, yea maaaan, they couldn't handle his format; Everlong right into Ring of Fire. Take that corporate radio!!!

It's always fuckin Pearl Jam with the Opester.

Pearl Jam intermixed with carnival music, disco, and Gregorian chanting.

"...that was puddle of mud. People used to say they were Nirvana ripoffs but whatever"

Aw Hail naw.

opie music show? just listen to WAAF for a full day and you got it.

He likes Buck Cherry lol

Sam said what I've thought every single time its been brought up. "Oh, so it's like Jack FM."

Call it DorkFM

What would be the difference between a show branded as a music show and the 2 hour breaks on the regular show?

No, and he was extra annoying and obnoxious today with Denny..

No way , Ants 70s channel for me, Hello Ortega highway Dad

I'd listen if he played some deep tracks that don't go too deep.

In the mid-90's? Probably. Back then mainstream rock was strong enough to have new, fresh stuff in the rotation constantly instead of today where fucking ac/dc and zeppelin STILL GET AIRPLAY because radio rock is utter trash

lovin the Pearl Jam

They all have abominable taste in music, so no.

Yeah, not on the O and A channel obviously, but on another I'd like to see him in that element. Also he always says he did it for years and there's not much tape so I'd like to hear it.. Ant too

On his own time, not during the O&A show? Sure. I like his taste, it's nothing special but it's enjoyable.

Grudge to buttery beats? No.

"Hey there everyone! This is Gregg <pause to inhale> Hughes on Midnight Whateverthefuck!"

I might listen for a little bit. Not a huge fan of 90s grunge but I listen to music on shuffle and so i like mixing it up. Old with the new, diff genres. I hate the format of most radio stations with the same mediocre 25 songs over and over again. It could've been cool. I remember during the hurricane he did a few songs, it went from a nirvana song to like Neil Young, I find that refreshing. But again, not a huge fan of 90s grunge so I'm not sure I would keep it on like I do with O&A.

Only if he played some Ice Quh!


is there going to be MGMT and Jack White?!?! cause they are the safe "cool new music' to point out how much you like them.

Yeah, we REALLY want to hear more shitty Nirvana... Ugh

Naw dat nigga dont play jarule

he could do it on Underground Garage -- or why not do a Saturday nite show on his own channel

Soooooooul Asylum

CHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! This mothatrucka woulda!!!!


He has no understanding of music or comedy, yet he hosted a music show that became a comedy show. Any show he hosts by himself, whether music or comedy would be terrible. He got this far in radio because he could work the equipment and lucked into funny people carrying him.

Listen to him try to talk about music, sing along, keep a beat, etc. It's terrible. His musical taste and knowledge is extremely "pedestrian." (sorry.)