What the hell ever happened to this guy?

0  2014-05-12 by BigGreenYamo


He got famous and moved to Hollywood after everyone saw his performance in Paul O's movie

He was on wackbag not too long ago peddling his book IIRC. Let me see if I can find the thread and pm it to you.

I'll track it down later. I do my wackbagging at night.

Already PMed. No worries, was a quick find.

Cool. Thanks


I wondered this myself

He was on LFTC at least last summer... looking very Mancow-ish.

Wow, really? Is he still running Jimmy's shipping?

Probably, but I'm not sure. I can't see why he wouldn't be... Gap 2 is not going to be filmed anytime soon, I'm sure.


Jesus, that looks like a before and after chromosome-loss ad.

The question is, which one is the retard?

The LFTC mentioned ..Hes on mic for a lot of it.

Still goes to Ant's parties fwiw.

Wow, really? Is he still running Jimmy's shipping?

The question is, which one is the retard?