The Lady Di & Bill Show

31  2014-05-12 by mr__hat

This is better than any reality tv.


Di: Believe it or not, I have jury duty in June.

Colin: I believe it.

Colin Quinn is the world's greatest human. This point cannot be made enough.

Better than Sam and the after show.

I have listened since the wiffle ball bat days. I love the boys. I love the show. I cannot skip past Sam related bits fast enough.

I have a pre-set limit of 5 Sam giggles before I become enraged and listen to something else. I can stomach everything else about him but that goddamn porpoise laugh hits a part of my brain that makes me want to jump out of a goddamn window.

He's got the Rick Delgado syndrome, 3rd-rate producer who thinks he's a megastar.

I can't upvote you enough, but sadly it cut into dear leader Dennis Falcone's airtime today. Any other would be a gift.

Our Lord thought to smite Di for taking up his time. But he is merciful.

Denny be praised!

Shit I thought Lady Di was going to get murdered

I thought when it got quiet it was over

thought = hoped?

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say Bill isn't too fond of that cellphone

I was waiting for the sound of a leaky garbage bag full of pudding tumbling down rickety stairs.

But enough about Fat Bob Kelly's suicide attempt


"Get the FUCK! Err... that phone's going! Everyday with you! It doesn't matter! You don't give a fuck." - Bill "Oh, good. glurp of beer . Get out of here! AHH!" - Lady Di

House of horrors...

I was at a junkie's house one time and he had a room where he threw all his garbage (food waste too) he would tuck rags under the door soaked in lysol and claim it was fine. I imagine one of these rooms exists at lady di's house.

What are you claiming that you don't do that too? Check out Mr. Fancy Pants over here. Too good for a garbage room are you?

Hey what's the fuckin' problem asshole? HE PUT DOWN SOME LYSOL RAGS FOR FUCKS SAKE

I think that "room" is all of their rooms. The show needs to have Di take pictures. It's probably worse than we imagine.

Agreed, this has been my thought all along. This could really top Jimmy's cribs episode. Please, for the love of Denny Falcone, someone suggest this to the boys.

Trust in our lord. The hard drive was given to Him. Bless him and his devine skill to self suck. Thanks be to god.

When Bill said, "I'm Sick of it Diana!!!" it was probably the best thing I've heard in a while.

Bill and Di's house should be a sentence for rapists and murders. Rule being they can't leave the apartment, ever. It will break the convict's mind and will...

The best part is when she said "I love you too" to Colin, even though he didn't say that to her.

Her imaginary, delusional relationship with Colin is really heating up.

That hideous gulp of Natty Ice right before she left.


I was just hoping for a gunshot.

I swear, in the silence, I thought I heard the sound of a gun cocking, but then I heard a gulp sound instead of a gunshot. Got my hopes up for nothing.

Could you imagine if she was shot live the field day the news would have playing back lady di clips from last 6 months?

Live murder on "a radio show"

She enticed me!

Are you dead? Yup she's dead.

We're all hoping for a "She entahhssed me" moment someday.

Hello, Bill.

I know a certain PFG television sensation who's run through a few co-hosts recently, and an Elizabeth bombshell who's perfect for the part.


I cannot get enough of that drunken mess, her stupid Natty Ices and her living situation.

When someone walks into their living room, she tells them to, "check out the empties man".

There's nothing better than when Colin called in, how great was that?

That was fucking harrowing.

Bill has had enough of her horseshit.

How long before/after Jericho did this happen? I got to work in the middle of his interview, and now have to plan by break around the replay to make sure I hear this.

It was the last thing in the show. Lady Di called in with about 5 minutes left of the show, gurgled her usual nonsense, and the guys just left.

She stayed on the phone, babbling to nobody. Eventually someone put Colin through, and the two of them talked for a bit. Shortly after he hung up, Bill started screaming at her for being on the phone every goddamned day.

It sounded ugly, and she wouldn't hang up, but eventually walked away. The final sounds of the call was Bill's heavy wheezing, and you really expected to hear the sound of a lamp cracking against her skull. Then with no announcement, the wrap-up music played.

It was pretty surreal.

holy shit, lol cant wait

Oh, and you expected Sam to address it once the post-show started, but apparently he was off interviewing Jericho for the Sam Roberts Show, and we got Dennis "The 70's Menace" Falcone for 10 minutes.

I'm sure they'll talk about it first thing tomorrow.

Great show to have as the backdrop for blowing your brains out.

I though Bill was going to pull a Carlo on Lady Di and pull his belt off and beat her.


Now I see Collin beating Bill with his own shoe and biting his knuckles.

Clean it up you guinea spoiled brat useless fat slob. Clean it up!

That's it, be a drunk just like your father!

"You touch my pants-shitting drunk again...I'll kill ya."

Not up on YouTube yet?

34:07. Ahh, hi who's this?

It's Lady Di

That was great. Missed how it started tho.


I was listening for the sounds of smoking crack. I didn't hear any, just the sound of a fucking drunk nightmare.

A few cameras placed around this hell hole can create content that you show kids in grade school as a "your life could be this." They actually frighten me at this point. Reality show of actual insane/mutant humanoids. Ninja Turtles fought crime and they're mutants, for Pete's sake! Di is simply a mutant.

colin quinn?!????!?

We have it with Ron and Fez a lot, but Opie and Anthony is turning into a reality show as well now?

I could of listened to that all day

It would be hard for me to listen because I change the channel evertime any of these show stopping retards speak. How is this funny. Seriously.. Someone explain how mental illness is a radio show.


anthony cumia

My friend has the same reaction as you. But his mom shit out a water head that he calls a brother. They just say he ate lead paint as a kid instead of admitting mom has a dumb cunt. Are you related to a broken boy too?

I much prefer making fun of retards and water heads. Funny every time. If I wanted to listen to drunk idiots I would visit my in laws.

Di doesn't make me laugh but I'm fascinated by how awful of a person she is.

I have a pre-set limit of 5 Sam giggles before I become enraged and listen to something else. I can stomach everything else about him but that goddamn porpoise laugh hits a part of my brain that makes me want to jump out of a goddamn window.

He's got the Rick Delgado syndrome, 3rd-rate producer who thinks he's a megastar.