92.3 have opened their comments up again.

18  2014-05-10 by SinisterExxaggerator

You know what to do. https://www.facebook.com/923now


Studio Line: 888-923-0923


That is free for commenting, but it looks like your link is dead.

fixed it. Thanks for heads up.

Ty Bentli's fan comments are awkward. Apparently he's an antisemite and Nazi sympathizer. http://923now.cbslocal.com/2014/05/09/todays-dirty-james-franco-compares-his-selfie-to-britney-spears-apple-to-buy-beats/

Oy vey, it's like a second shoah!

I'm noticing a disturbing lack of Denny Falcone references.

..and I'm blocked by the page admin just now over @ https://www.facebook.com/TyLovesNewYork help make this guys weekend suck!!

That's why I have multiple Jocktober accounts.

Ty Bentli's a shitfuck.