Falling-out with super agent Bob Eatman?

0  2014-05-09 by mr__hat

Sure sounded like it. They should just ditch him right away.


It's just detrimental to their career keeping him around at this point. And "I don't know who else is out there" is a poor excuse. Why not put in the legwork and ask around.

Ask their friends that are blowing up. They have entertainment agents, who know agents, who know other agents. There are plenty of other agents out there. But laziness isn't going to find one.

Right. Jim's manager has no one to suggest? I'd wage a guess that Schumer's career is doing well thanks to her "team", get that guy on the case. Louie might do his own shit, who knows with him.

Shit, find Todd Pettengill's agent. That guy conned WPLJ into giving him Todd his own sho and a budget for 10 people in the studio, all so he could sit in 21st place in the NYC market.

Well to be fair, Eatman did con CBS into syndicating their XM show to KROCK in NYC which was beaten unanimously by multiple Spanish language stations. So, you might want to bite your tongue regarding shitty NYC radio ratings, especially when using them in the manner you are trying.

O&A did what they were expected to. The show would be even bigger if the merger never happened. Sirius has screwed them over. And CBS wouldn't let them do any of their old material

You got that right. Fail. Everyone outside of their hardcore fanbase expected them to fail and they did. They just can't actually ever accept that failure so it needs to be projected elsewhere like bosses and companies and mergers. If they spent as much time writing bits and planning shows as they do complaining and whining maybe they wouldn't be fading away into obscurity on satellite radio.

Their numbers are growing by the day. Look at the growth in number of subscribers in this sub. You must a Hoo Hoo lover.

I don't think you can equate subreddit growth to listening audience growth. Just because more fans discover reddit doesn't mean O&A are actively accuireing more fans.

"Hoo Hoo lover" - God what are you, ten?

It must be hard coming up with new ways to attack O&A and spin the facts.

Man I thought Howards fans were zombies...please let me know how I am spinning facts. Also, since you're all about facts, show me proof (not a subreddit) of the show gaining numbers daily. Do that. You're also welcome to poke holes in anything I say. But you don't.

I just gave you a fact and you dismissed it. You'll just do it again if I give you more.

You're saying that because this sub has grown that MUST mean their audience is growing. That is not a fact.


Give him a shout and tell him how much you appreciate all the work he's not doing.

New listener?

They never like the job he does for them. There have to be better radio agents out there. Plus he lives in CA, IIRC.

I told Opie I'd be their agent. He never tweeted me back.

His only endorsement is that of Clark Howard. That should say enough about the guy and his success

They are always bitching about him but nothing will be done. They are all delusional about their level of celebrity

I don't think you can equate subreddit growth to listening audience growth. Just because more fans discover reddit doesn't mean O&A are actively accuireing more fans.

"Hoo Hoo lover" - God what are you, ten?