The misadventures of Lady Di

24  2014-05-08 by Sentinel_Event

So my friend, the newfan, asked me yesterday why Jimmy hates Lady Di. I began recounting her greatest hits, but I'm not sure I got them all since I've only known her in the reemergence the last year(s).

  • Lost her virginity on top of a door in an abandoned house

  • Endured weekly anal sex in a car

  • Had her son taken away from her by state services (uncertain)

  • Baby daddy threw himself in front of a train

  • Father died (upside is the inheritance. . .)

  • Downside is that she has become a full blown alcoholic, wasting a great deal of $ on Natty Light Ice and. . .

  • Crack. Perhaps a recovering crack addict?

  • Addiction and general poor health causes incontinence

  • She can't/won't work. Unemployed for years now

  • Leeches off another drunk that she might be blowing for rent

  • Has morphed into a barely female version of WC Fields

What did I forget? EDITS below this point!

  • Dishonorably discharged from Navy for partying with creeps at hotels and AWOL behavior

  • During period of homelessness, turned tricks for beer/drug $

  • 1 week internship highlighted by naked puking in SXM bathroom, to which Ugly Betty was witness

  • Squandered part of her intern wages at TGI Friday's, the rest being "stolen" during a sour crack deal in a deplorable part of Elizabeth, NJ

  • Fired from Budweiser plant for suspected drunkenness on the job

  • Fired as crossing guard for drunkenness (sense a pattern?)

  • Fired from convenience store b/c of a short till at cashout

  • Discharged an unidentifiable substance into giant underwear despite passing menopause long ago


Was fully nude and puking in a sink in front of America Ferrarra, who played Ugly Betty.

I can only imagine how horrific it must be to just stumble in to something like that.

I think Lady Di was fine with it

For a fleeting moment I wonder if she thought she was staring at one of the infected from 28 Days Later.

Spotted puking and crying in front of Burger King.

Covered in bed bug bites.

Yes - the burger king vomiting story is a classic

I also got great pleasure from this story.

Worked as a crossing guard, fired for drunkenness.

Worked at a convenience store, fired for discrepancies between dollar amount of products sold and amount of money in "till" at the end of the day.

Discharged an unknown, possibly pus-based fluid into her panties in studio and mistook it for a period, despite being well past menopause.

HAHA I forgot about the crossing guard thing. From what I remember, she fell asleep on the job.

I can't remember exactly, and I believe during the call wherein she revealed this story that piece of shit Bill was in the background yelling at her not to talk about it, but I think she mentioned she liked to knock back a few during the break between morning and afternoon crossings. So I think maybe she fell asleep and failed to show up for the afternoon shift? She's a disaster either way.

Is there audio about the convenience store?

Apparently it was a Shop Rite near Elizabeth, NJ. Fired after two weeks.

Shop Rite is a grocery store, not a convienent store.

Lady Di is like the human version of The Room. She is such a terrible person that it's almost impressive. And just when you think it can't get any worse, it does

She sucked a homeless guy off while living by the railroad:

Has great bubs.

Does anyone know what day Lady Di listed her 5 favorite movies? I think it was the internship week but I'm not sure what day. I know that on the Xmas Super Show she mentioned owning both La Bamba and The Rose, but that's not the show where she rattled off her top 5 in hilarious fashion.

I remember she listed Rocky 2 and Rocky 5. The worst two of the Rockys.

It wasn't during her internship. It was a call-in after a listener accused her of crying in a Target parking lot. She listed 5 things that made her cry, one being 'a good movie,' which led to the discussion of her top 5 movies.

I fucking found it, the crying-in-front-of-Target connection helped:

If they ask her if she lives on the moon, she replies with all seriousness, because she doesn't understand jokes.

"Enough. About. The Till."

OP, Natty Ice, not Natty Light

I didn't think it could be worse.

I thought the first two were Marian (sp?)

I think Marion did end up telling everybody where she lost her virginity during that same show though. It was down in a ditch by some railroad tracks or something like that.

Nope. Lady Di talked about them during her intern week.

No, that was definitely her. She revealed that during her internship and they had a good laugh over it.

Yea I remember intern week... Marion had another ridiculous place that she lost hers hah they're both wack jobs

Was enlisted in the Navy. Partied in hotel rooms with vagrants instead of reporting for duty and was dishonorably discharged. Bothered the VA until they changed her DD to an Administrative Discharge.

Made almost 800 dollars INTERNING for O and A for a week. Spent 200 at TGI Friday's. Had the rest "stolen" when she was robbed outside of a Chicken Hut.

I'm starting to think that maybe she was trying to buy crack.

I think I'm going to list this as a crack deal gone bad.

That actually now makes a lot of sense.

I'd like to add a bullet point:

  • She's a dud.

Refused very thoughtful and loving help from Dr. Steve and the boys during her Intern Week. Steve had some tests lined up and a place for her to go to rehab and still has yet to follow up on that. This was the show Colin came in and it turned into an hour intervention.

I would still help her, but she just doesn't recognize that there is a problem, or if she does, doesn't want to face it (which is more likely, the more I think about it).

I know you would Dr. Steve. You're a good egg


I'm pretty sure it's him, it's the same username that did the AMA a ways back.

Yep. He answers health questions over at /r/drsteve

No addict does, she's typical in that. She needs an intervention done on her, by her friends and family, and she can still say no - and that's something that does not belong on the air. That's more than a bit, way more. She'd need Bill saying she'd have to move out if she says no, and Marion saying she won't talk to her, and honestly, she'd probably go right back to the railroad tracks now that it's not snowing anymore.

She'd be a challenge to even the most seasoned rehab specialists, IMHO.

Agreed. Totally.

Except for the "not belong on the air" part. If she consented to it, it might help someone to hear how an intervention is done...ah, the more I say it the more wrong it sounds.

You're right, it needs to be done privately. Never mind!

Dr. Steve, has she refused help multiple times? I'm adding this to the list and I want to make the description as detailed as possible. Please include "fluid" in your response. . .


True sign of an addict.

Was homeless for a period, and sucked dicks for beer. Lived on the train tracks.

Sucked the dicks of other homeless people, which is even worse. As Louis CK said when they told him this, you should be blowing people who are at least one socioeconomic class above you.

Fuck, how could I forget these!


You forget her overall personality and conversational techniques.

Was fired from a Budweiser factory for being a drunken malingering mess

Was a crossing guard, fell asleep on the job.

Twenty children died.

She passed out from drinking during her break between morning and afternoon, not technically on the job.

Lady Di is walking example of the crapshoot that is life.

Patrice didn't drink and didn't smoke and died at a young age. Lady Di has done every bad thing that you're not supposed to do, HUNDREDS of times, and she still walks the earth. She's a walking example of how unfair life is.

Your point is valid, but It's not like Patrice was a shining example of health himself. He had to have eaten pretty badly for a long time (probably up until it was too late, unfortunately)

Says she applies for jobs, but also drinks at least 3 natties before 8 AM

loves the Monkees

Correction, she's been applying for the same job at the dollar store for over 7 years.

They're gonna call, any day now!

and the tax leans

I actually live in Elizabeth, NJ and know the exact liquor store Lady Di goes to on Elmora Ave....I feel like I should set up camp one early morning at video tape her buying her precious natty ices and the harass her into getting a fucking job.

Dude, she would totally do an interview. Just tell her you know her from the show, she has to be there every night if you're willing to camp out.

Just tell her you WORK for the show...she believes that random people that O&A pass for celebrities are the actual celebrities constantly.

Okay I'm going to go through with this since I just finished up with school and have some free time on my hands. Any requests for interview questions? I'm going to tell her I'm an intern for the O&A show and need info from her to put in the O&A 20th anniversary book.

That's exactly what I was going to suggest. tell her you're doing a spot about former interns. Start off with some boilerplate questions and then get into the good stuff. See if you can get her to admit that she smoked crack less than a year ago - something along the lines of hearing that she had overcome great adversity, that you heard she recently overcame drug addiction. You'll have to be really coy, Sam Roberts shit-stirrer style.

Extremely unattractive. Feel like this needs a mention somewhere.

I thought I captured that with the WC Fields line.

Back when I used to listen to stern he had a guy named Jeff the drunk. Lady di is nearly identical to him.

At least Jeff had been in a serious car accident and had that gimp arm, a somewhat tragic story. It makes me wonder why Lady Di isn't on SSI like the Wack Pack. i bet she could finagle a reason that she's disabled.

This post needs to be linked to the sidebar

Yeah, I didn't expect it to be so popular! I'll have to peruse the comments again to add any new exploits that I missed last night. Some of them were repetitive/derivative and I wanted each one to be a fun fact, y'know?

The weekly anal sex in the car started in activity that sounded suspiciously close to "date rape".

I thought that at first when it sounded like one time, but it sounded like an ongoing endeavor. Now that I think of it, didn't she say the guy was married?

Jim doesn't hate her because of any of that. It's her blithering talk-over-everyone while missing the point personality that he hates

I think Marian is the worst for that; Lady Di will shut up eventually.

Believed that Jimmy sounding like Kermit the frog was actually Louis CK...believed that Dave Chappelle was in studio at a super show and showed him her bubs, pretty sure the same thing happened with Paul McCartney...

I feel like it's too easy to call her dumb, but if I can collect all her stupid affects into a single description, I'll add it as a capper.

Don't forget she has about 20 credit cards each with 1-20,000 owed

I'm pretty sure it's him, it's the same username that did the AMA a ways back.

Yep. He answers health questions over at /r/drsteve