Ty Bentli sucks ass

20  2014-05-08 by mr__hat

It's depressing these kind of douches get major market radio shows. I hope he gets AIDS.


Shitfuck tries to re-write history. Dishonest loser.


Your boys do it daily. Why's it different now?

When are we getting some GTA dlc?


Edit: Thanks /u/evannever

\ + # + AIDSFire = #AIDSFire


They act like they should be allowed to share it. "Awww come on guys, we're all friends."

Fuck Ty.

Ugh, that's his account name

Sweaters over T-Shirts don't make sense.

I listen to the show a day behind in the UK so haven't heard this yet...but did this dopey bag of shite really try doing "Whip Em Out Wednesday"?

Yes. But he claimed it as his own idea as well.

Reminds me, I need a new wow sticker

Edit: ha they are acting like they are buddies with the show through their comments. They sound like that clingy fan that just bothers them. Don't bash us cause we know the show...

That reminds me... I think we've gone a week without Bob Levy

Restart the clock.

Anybody else follow bob levey on twitter? He tried getting in on the #WhipEmOutWednesday thing but used the wrong hashtag. What an ass. Here's the tweet.

That's so funny...and sad!

"O&A WOW Stickers - send self addressed & stamped envelope - O&A WOW Sticker 1221 Avenue Of The Americas Flr 36 New York, NY, 10020"

Thanks, my wbcn is falling apart

Do you know what size envelope I need for the sticker to fit in?

This is the example the O&A Twitter gave https://twitter.com/OandAshow/status/454643391330918401/photo/1

You'd think whoever is running the twitter account would use actual measurements. Thanks for the link though.

Hallmark sized. Unless they have shrunk from the XM days.

@923NOWFM are his employers. I've sent them a couple of tweets. Make sure you include the words plagiarized,copyrighted and siriusxm. Let's get him cock slapped by management.

To be fair to TY, he is special needs, guys. Relax, don't do it....

Don't click these... It will push many of his videos past 100 views. Yes one hundred. Apparently the opster could teach him a few things.

you guys have been getting swooped and robbed for days....this caller made me want to jump in front of a truck

Love the fake account that's been made. https://twitter.com/TyBentIi

This is probably exactly what that shit dick wanted though... Now he's getting huge exposure. Does he need a sound thrashing? Yes, of course... I'm just saying.

This makes me miss the heyday of wow when people would call in with shitty fake calls pretending they'd gotten flashed. Good ol days!!

Yeah I know it got them listeners and helped "brand" them so it worked. It was still never all that great.

heres some ammo http://imgur.com/a/IrLuE

He reminds me of Danny.

Fake Roland should book him on the show!


Ugh, that's his account name

Sweaters over T-Shirts don't make sense.