When yesterday /r/worldnews posted a note about a downvote brigade and they were investigating, I remember this subreddit.Just look it,there's way to much downvotes around but I think it's most people here are new to reddit(maybe from wackbag?)and from other subreddits.The mods should address this.

1  2014-05-08 by [deleted]

I got -9(link karma) and -48(comment karma) on this subreddit,

I posted 2link videos of what The Boys were talking about to give a visual reference,and got downvoted to hell and had to delete them DESPITE the comments on it were positive and engaging~I'm not gonna lie,that was the most frustrating for me.

Subreddits that have 10,000 like this one,normally the most voted post of the day has +1,000 karma.Here, is around +250.

I known that at least 2 users posting here,post in /r/squaredcircle (wrestling shit) regularly, and are always pushing the fucking how great is for them 'the wrestling interviews and Sam are' here.Fucking blows,looking at their "overview" and see that every single thing they talk here is wrestling-is kind off topic and pushy.

When Anthony talks politics and shit it's expected (the downvoting) and etc but I don't see any reason why some much downvote in everything.

The mods should address this shit.



I second that. Why would anyone care, let alone post about it?


'It's not about me it's in general stupid'

'I posted 2link videos of what The Boys were talking about to give a visual reference,and got downvoted to hell and had to delete them DESPITE the comments on it were positive and engaging~I'm not gonna lie,that was the most frustrating for me.'

mmm.....chiny reckon


yeah,most topics go into the negative.


Maybe this insufferable attitude that you have caused all the downvotes?

{Off to go look...}


Yep, you're annoying.

Oh, and you're an idiot if you delete a post because of your karma.

The mods here are too lazy to even care.

I second that. Why would anyone care, let alone post about it?
