Nagel vs. Falcone Battle of the Gods

3  2014-05-07 by [deleted]

Who is the superior deity and why?


An unstoppable force meets an unmovable object.

You don't have to guess which is which.

Denny the Father, Erock the Son, and Scorch the Holy Spirit.


"The Hawk sits in his nest, eating." made me laugh out loud at work

"i think, therefore i are."-Rene Descartes 1781

I hate to pick. This is like when Achilles fought Hector, or when Ray Targaryan fought Bob Baratheon. Two heroes.

Hulk Hogan vs. Macho Man Randy Savage

We Are Not Worthy To Decide.

Why do we need to choose? We can have a whole pantheon of O&A gods and demigods.

Any of you wanna go camping?

I personally identify as Falconeian. It is our belief that a Hard Drive of Hits resides within each and every one of us, and that "The Platters That Matter" are we, his children.

A true game of thrones, am I right boys?

Ouuu I like the username. Denny Stark the one true king.

Gotta go with the hawk. He takes so much shit and delivers at least 50% of the time......shitty vanilla ice hair

Erock has taken it to a whole new level.

The King.


I'll let you know once I finish counting all the grains of sand in the sky or whatever the fuck WHAT YOU ARE ASKING IS IMPOSSIBLE SIR IMPOSSIBLE

The soundtrack to this battle provided by Zyklon. Transcendental War - Battle between Gods. Also Falcone.


I appreciate a good Erock as much as the next, but one cake does not make a superior god to Falcone.

But I have a new t-shirt from this thread.

The cake, Tequila and donuts day, I can go on and on. Young Hawk is the one true God.