Guy Ferrari's Hairdresser

16  2014-05-07 by CUNTYMOM

PROPS to OnA+J for asking about that and not letting him off the hook too easy, it was like the old OnA interviews where you actually felt uncomfortable, jim making that joke and them making fun of him crying was great. guy still got all weird and didnt say much, mo or no?

and did i hear a 70s earth momma muff reference today? today was a old school show, more of these please.


Guy Ferrari

book radio

BOOK RADIO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Foo Fighters?

If he hollers...

How did I miss this? I did notice Jim slip in a line about getting jizz in his hair. I must of missed like 2 mins of the interview. Can someone explain what exactly was said?

I can't say exactly. I think Ant initially was just like "So what was the deal with the hairdresser?" Guy said he was a good guy and great friend, and in friendships you can have conflicts. They pressed the issue, he dodged again, and Guy said it was like Opie and Ant's relationship, and then I think Ant sarcastically agreed and said when they argue he's ran away before like a crying korean girl. Jim and Op might have peppered some stuff in.

Best I can do, can't remember the details.

I think Op was actually the first one to bring up the hair dresser.

I couldn't put my finger on it but I definitely laughed out loud more than usual today.

Probably because it was miles better than any recent shows.

Definitely queeb or possibly quay

The hairdresser? Not Ferrari?

Why not both?

Gay guy I know says it's pretty well known in the homosexual community that Guy is a gay.