Opie's newest shirt design: SLOBBO!!

5  2014-05-07 by [deleted]


I don't even care that he's selling shirts, so he should; people are obviously buying them, but the designs are horrific. I don't know who's doing them for him but they are pretty bad. I just hope he's not paying them much.


Sure is, and if he bought it he didn't check the stipulations.

The images cannot be published and offered for sale on community retail sites offering print on demand retail products such as shirts, stickers, calendars, mugs, mouse pads, etc. The most common sites like this are cafepress.com, zazzle.com, redbubble.com and polyvore.com as well as others that are not listed here. You may use such sites to order items and have them shipped to you, however cannot publish the items for sale to others on these sites.

Isn't he selling it through his own store?

Yes - it's being sold through the store - the licensing for the image lists as follows: Images may not be published on products for sale on any print-on-demand distribution sites such as cafepress.com, polyvore.com, zazzle.com, redbubble.com, teacherspayteachers.com or other sites that may not be listed. Retail items with the images on them may be sold only on your privately owned website, ebay or etsy. No other websites are permitted.

E-Rock, copyright comment?

Another awful design...surprise.

I would've bought a SLOBBO shirt if it had some original art (which possibly would be extremely unkind to Erock's appearance) on it. This shitty generic stock art of a guy from the 50's is horrendous, unimaginative, and as others have already pointed out, copyright infringing...

I know they say their fans tend to be overweight, but is there really a lot of call for a 5XL shirt? Holy shit.


The Opester is cornering the t-shirt market.

Opie's shirts really have good potential but those logos ruin everything.

God, check out the empties maaaan would have been a goldmine if it wasn't a single crushed can.

Is that even his saying?

Gregory's T-Shirt Emporium.


Embarrassing douche-wear.


Who's that guy?

He's branding 'Slobbo' when he had fuck all to do with it becoming a thing? That's the same as someone uploading a viral YouTube video to their own channel for hits. What a fucking douchey asshole.

I thought t-shirts were becoming old hat and falling out of fashion, but Opie is really bringing them back.

It honestly would be a lot better with just SLOBBO! in big block letters.

Opie can never talk shit about anything Howard ever does again. At least he always respected and appreciated his fans enough to not nickel and dime them with chachkies like some talent-less roadhack comic.