O&A to host CNN show?

0  2014-05-06 by [deleted]


Carnies and rubes.

Sounds like a couple of radio hosts are trying to play catch up with Scorch, who is on the shortlist for the cast of new DirecTV show.


Dibby deeby dooby doo, dabadabadaba doo, WEIIIIRD NEUUUUEEWS

What in the name of FUCK are they going to do on CNN?

Ant on CNN?

I guess they'll be the only show that refuses to report the news they are told to and never apologizes for anything.... I'd give them a week...


is this for real? I'm being 100% serious. edit: nvm http://weeklyworldnews.com/headlines/55358/shock-jocks-to-host-new-cnn-show/

L D Chipperson quoted. Fantastic.

And commented on by Paul H. Hahaah

I don't think they're really going to be on CNN.

aPreHl FAhLLLs!

That's the shittiest cropping job ever if it's from a real company.

Also, the Opster will be releasing the "ultimate" T-Shirt later tonight.


if he's trying to find something for a shirt that really shows off what he does on the show then someone should tell him to stop looking because it's already out there.

says the guy who makes the same joke in multiple threads.

It would be good for CNN's ratings.