For reference: Sarah Silverman in 'Way Of The Gun' bit that Anthony was talking about

0  2014-05-06 by [deleted]


I love the hammerfist he throws when they're pulling him away. By far the best part of the movie.

Don't let this scene fool you into thinking this movie is good. This is probably one of the best opening scenes of any movie in this genre.

The rest of it is shit. Enjoy the opening scene and make up your own movie.


Trigger warning: the other "f" word. Not the regular f-word "fuck," which is ok to say because it's only profanity and only offends victorian and polite sensibilites that I hate. Fuck Christians, it's not the 1950s anymore, swearing isn't a big deal, it's only words, and if you're offended by the word fuck, you're a fascist. I mean the other f-word, which is not ok to say because it's a slur, and offends PC and liberal sensibilities I love. It's not the 1950s anymore, being homophobic isn't ok, and if you are or ever have been a homophobe, we will blacklist you. these aren't just words! if you're not offended by the word faggot, you're a homophobe.

Did you really have to add this rambling nonsense?

I wish that faggot didn't delete their comment.

No shit. Also, anyone have any idea what

we will blacklist you


I hope it means "I will kill myself"

I just want to know who it was.

I think it was Fez.

Actually I'm glad he deleted it, he would have been upvoted and I would have been downvoted because of who he is. Hint: he did a funny bit for the show recently.

Hint: he did a funny bit for the show recently.

Well we know it's not Bob Levy.