Thank god Jimmy said enough with this shitty cronut nonsense.

92  2014-05-06 by stevex42

I don't think I've ever cared about anything on the show less than the cronut guy and Roland's other shitty foody stuff. I understand that sometimes you have to just throw things against the wall and see what sticks with a show like this, but this cronut stuff has been dragging on for far too long.

Do they not see that Roland is essentially just using the show as a way to fill his fat fucking gullet with these fancy foods? I think Jim realizes but just decided to stay out of it until today when he essentially told Roland to go fuck himself.


reminder: it's not fancy foods. it's fucking donuts and pizza and burgers. it's expensive fast food.

Junk food + gimmick + overcharging = foodie fare.

But aren't they infused?

when he blew up i fucking loved it. I wish the lashing went longer. fuck the cronut shit!!!!! see how passionate i am with the more exclamation points i typed.

"enough cowering to a guy who makes fucking donuts!" loved it

We can shit on Jimmy for being a little over zealous regarding his own addictions, but the guy recognizes addicts. This fat fuck Roland is an addict. Using the show to get himself treats and favors like a goddamn animal, regardless of how it affects the entertainment. And this "foodie" garbage is nonsense. You don't get that rotund eating at expensive restaurants. This sow is tucking into a sack of doritos every night.

tucking into a sack of doritos every night.

What I imagine his bed to look like

Jimmy is aware that he has problems too, so when he does do something A LITTLE SILLY I'm less inclined to want to trash him because I know that he's not totally delusional about himself, he's honest about his problems.

As opposed to rolanduh.

Roland keeps saying he hates "pedestrian food", but what is he eating? Tacos and donuts. Nothing fancy there

The hayseeds think that makes you a foodie.


That was awesome.

I think Opie knows exactly what he is doing and what buttons this pushes.



Fuck that guy and his cronuts. No one gives a shit about hearing an interview with some baker.

that's another little step on the way for the b-b-b-b-b... to say 'enough with roland'. #rolandgate

When did this happen?

I haven't been listening to the show since the year began, basically since I stopped enjoying it towards the end of last year I figured why not just listen to the best older clips on youtube rather than listen. I'm honestly shocked they are still talking about cronuts. Its a fucking two note story (1. cronuts exist, 2. health violations shuts the place down) that no one else cares about, and whenever in jocktober they make fun of radio shows keeping it local, that's as fucking local as you can get. I figured there was other food shit that brought about fake roland, but the fact its still the same stupid dessert makes me happy I took a break, and gives me no reason to come back.

Fake Roland, I know you are out there, you are doing gods work sir.

A healthy Roland eating rice:

What did I just watch? It was awesome.

A Better Tomorrow 2, it's a trilogy. This is pretty much what Patrice was referencing when talking about John Woo and Face/Off about these asian directors and actors staying in hong kong to make movies instead of coming to America. Played ping pong with his ding dong.

I should also point out a personal favourite of mine in reference to this scene which is this song I think it was worked in well and wish more people did movie excerpts mixed in hibbity hop instrumentals instead of the current shit.

I'm sure you've heard of it, but if not, you should check out Deltron and Dr Octagon (Kool Keith) - you might get a kick out of them. The latter features a lot of outrageous, distasteful humor.

Also Quasimoto (Madlib) has some incredible sampling skills.

thank to you it is beautiful for me


This thread is fucking pedestrian

The SECOND the Cronut guy is in the studio, Jimmy will be all nice and pleasant and pretend he doesn't have an issue with it. You already got a taste of it when Roland mentioned that he IS going to come in ... that he's working on the date.

It doesn't mean anything because for whatever reason, out of touch Opie finds it amusing. If Jimmy's rants meant anything, we'd no longer have to endure Di, Marion or Bobo. I'm shocked we still don't have daily Levy calls.

Missed the show except for the Seth Rogan part, but glad this happened.

Fuck Roland.

I noticed as soon as croland came in they toned it down though...what fucking dirt does this cunt have on them??

That's why Opie brought it up, he KNEW Jimmy would react like that, that's why he brought it up, that's why he brought it up.......that's why he brought it up.

Yea its part of the bit

Because he reacted that way the last 40 fucking times he brought it up. OPIE KNEW!

To be fair to the opester though, maybe Jimmy went off about the cronut faggot off the air.

Enough with this fucking cronut shit and stupid faggot Roland.. Its not even a it's so bad it's good bit.

They should bring this asshole on the show and throw his stupid fucking donuts in his face.

Anyone have the drop?

Jimmy's entire food rant today made me just close my eyes, absorb it, and say "FUCK I am so happy someone brought this up". I'm excited for future shows simply knowing Jimmy hates the boring "he only makes a fucking dozen hurr durr" bullshit that Opie "just HAS to talk about".

I don't even mind when they eat on air, I just hate the catering to Roland's favorite eateries and bringing up the fucking cronut guy, specifically. So fucking unentertaining. FUCK

The cronuts are just so out of touch for a national show. You broadcast to all fifty states and you worry about talking about some shitty foodstuff only available in New York? Bravo Jimmy.

do you think thats the reason Opie brought it up?

if we keep talking about it, it will continue, let it fade away.

UGH. Shut the fuck up, Opie. THIS IS WHY I BROUGHT IT UP THIS IS WHY THIS IS WHY THIS IS WHY. God, Shut uuuuuuuupppppp. Trying to paint himself as this all knowing, master manipulator genius.

It's so awful that the least funny, least interesting, least entertaining guy talks as much as the other two talented hosts combined. He's such a horrible, horrible burden to the show...

Jim really is a buzzkill. Especially when it comes to alcohol but I guess it applies to anything.

Don't hate on Roland for bringing something he loves to the show. I would rather hear chefs than wrestling talk.

I love wrestling talk. It's funny. And I dont even like wrestling that much, just kind of.

Junk food + gimmick + overcharging = foodie fare.

But aren't they infused?