For those of you who have met the man: Describe your interaction with Club Soda Kenny.

11  2014-05-06 by sixohsicks

In Chicago I was in the huge autograph line, and Anthony asked Kenny who was near by: "Kenny, are you about to have a stroke?" Kenny: "a stroke would be better than this" Then Kenny told me "Okay then..moooove allllooong" Just wondering if this is EXACTLY what everyone else has experienced.


I met him super briefly when I saw Jimmy in DC. I shook his hand and said I liked him on the show. He said thanks and that I should buy a tshirt.

Haven't met him, but my dream is to meet him at a Norton appearance, ask Norton for a picture, and then hand him the phone/camera as I pose with Kenny.

thats actually funny

When I was in Cleveland for the live show, they were inviting guys on stage to play cherry darts, but Kenny wasn't paying attention. When the first guy stepped up, Kenny nearly pounced on him until the boys waved him off. I think Opie actually had the funny line, "Sorry I smashed your face mister."

Opie has had some funny lines lately too. I got to give him credit.

I was a tad drunk, but I went up to him after one of Jimmy's recent shows, shook his hand, and told him he was awesome.

He could not have given less of a fuck and was already speaking to the next person before my compliment was finished. I cherish that moment to this day.

I've met him a few times. Once in Vegas (at the Traveling Virus show) I was wearing a leather jacket and he looked at me and asked, "Did you forget your winter coat?" Got a nice laugh.

Both pictures I've taken with Norton I asked for him to be in them. He leaned over and glared into the camera. I got the photos printed and signed by both of them. He signed them as "CLUBBY"

I was at a taping of down and dirty. He was a few aisles in front of me and I yelled hey Kenny. His eyes darted directly at me and gave me the most chilling stare I've ever seen. I decided to leave him alone.

I'm friends with country singer Charlie Worsham, who appeared on Leno one night when Jimmy was on. I asked him if he met Jimmy. He said that when he and his band mates were standing in the hallway before the show that this big goon came up and said "clear a path" and forcefully pushed them aside so Jimmy could walk to his room. He said they started laughing and were trying to figure out why a comedian would need some goon henchman. He said it was such an absurd moment that he thought it might be some kind of performance art. I was like yep, I know exactly who you are talking about. He did say that after the show Jimmy asked for a picture with him.

Oh that is brilliant.

yes, i had that happen to me in chicago too, also at a huge autograph line, the exact same line from both.

I had a thrilling interaction with him at one of Jimmy's shows in Philly. I asked the price of one of Jimmy's CDs. Kenny said "Ten dollars". I bought one and he said "Thank you" in the typical Kenny way. It was the highlight of 5 minutes I spent waiting in line.

The first time: I was walking down the street in the city and I saw him. I got nervous and as I passed, I just said "Oh, hey Kenny." to which he replied "Hello, sir."

The second time: I saw him at my gym and told him I was a fan of the show and that he was funny.

I'm a nervous little boy.

I was at Jimmy's last special and he asked me and my girlfriend if we wanted to move and sit in the front row in his monotone, Kenny way of speaking. He ushered us down and just told us that we weren't allowed to leave our seats til the end of the show and then lumbered off. Kenny rules.

I stopped by the old XM studios on my birthday to do the walkover. I mentioned to Kenny that it was my birthday and he told Master Po to bring me up and I got to watch the show.

I've also interacted with him at a couple Jimmy shows and at his book signing and Kenny was gold. Easily the funniest guy in the room each time.

I met him before a show in Toledo about a year ago. I asked him if he was going on stage at all that night and he said "you can hear me EXCLUSIVELY on the Opie and Anthony Channel."

He's a nice guy and I got a picture with him afterwards.

I met Kenny after Jimmy's show in Tempe, Az. I asked for a picture. He couldn't have cared less.

Jimmy said it best: Attention to details, but no human interaction.

I've seen people say hi to him or that they're fans of his and he's just said some generic "well thank you sir"

That probably comes from being a cop

Not even cops are as dull as Kenny.

I met Kenny at a little Jimmy show. I told him I loved his work, he said "Thank you mister" in that deadpan voice. I took a picture with Opie and Jimmy, both of whom made my 6'3" frame look 7'0".

"If I have 10 divisions of Kenny's, our troubles here would be over very quickly."

He is very bullet-headed and his eyes are very close together.

Years ago one of the guys described his face as being shaped like the Acela. Awesome.

Cold but professional each time i have met him(only at live events or signings)

"Come on, move it along people!"

He's as warm and human as he sounds on the radio.

He sells merch after Jim's shows. He was an excellent cashier...