The article which got David Choe in trouble was written by the great Melissa Stetten

0  2014-05-06 by uajii


WHO CARES!!! Stop linking this dumb cunts articles and giving her clicks.

I don't know who he is, and the only thing i know about her is that Ant used to fuck her. I don't give a shit.

Even the more reason I would love to see David Choe on the show, although I don't know if they would bring that up since Ant doesn't seem to bring her up that much. With David Choe's lifestyle, he would be in a very similar wavelength as Jimmy.

So Choe could just talk over everyone the entire time like an ADHD kid on coke? Ugh. It's a good idea in theory, but David Choe fucking sucks. I had to give up on his podcast five eps in because he'd start to talk literally as soon as anyone else finished a sentence, which was a shame because he surrounded himself with interesting people. Then he fired Yoshi and I gave up on him forever.

Thumbs up was great, though.

Jimmy was on Choe's podcast. It was meh, Choe humble bragged about how much he got laid how that makes him an edgy sex addict, and generally steamrolled over lil Jimmy.

God, this bitch can't get through a sentence without mentioning Ant.

The hilarirous thing is O&A aren't in the mainstream, so she doesn't even know that people don't get the reference.

Plus I doubt there is much crossover between O&A listeners and XOJane's readership.

Lol that airhead bitch can read and write?


I think it's pretty safe to say at this point that Ant's dick is a crazy magnet.

This guy loves his rapists, or at least his rape fantasists. He clearly can't get enough of them.

"Greatest artist of our generation", that must be your generation cos it sure as fuck aint any of our generations. Can I check, you really did type that, I'm not imagining it.

A guy with some Facebook stock aint necessarily a hero to most, it usually needs a bit more. Not for you, that was enough, apparently you were real impressed.

And then shambolically self-destructing your whole fucking essay, you thought it was a final stylish misogynistic flourish you were adding, and over here in the real world, we all just saw some dumb fuck actually go to the fucking Daily Mail to validate an argument. You fucked yourself there sunshine, now you're the one with the credibility problem.

Uhhh what? I said it was sexual assault. You sound like a psycho. Your pent up rage getting worked up over a couple sentences of opinion is a bit out of hand. I never said he was a "hero" of mine, he is a good artist. Yeah, one of the best too right now judging by how much he gets paid to do stuff.

I don't know much about the Dailymail but it's a lot more credible than xojane, and that article expresses that the author of this article is a person that has a history of not being credible.

Whatever dude, I deleted my post. No point in arguing with people over this because I really dont care about him that much. He should be charged with sexual assault, period. I don't know why you think I disagree with that.

Editing is the cunt's move. You felt plenty confident when you wrote it, so stick to it.

He's a "good artist" now, fuck me, from greatest in generation to good in one reply, that's a motherfucking catastrophic fall from grace.

But he sells for big numbers, yeah, I always get art checked by an accountancy firm to see if it's good art or bad art. It's the only way to really know.

You "don't know much" about what a publishing joke the Daily Mail is, but you read it and liked how it looked. In future, check your fucking sources. Maybe next time you won't end-up wasting people's time like you did here.

Seth Rogen described it well on the show today, he is an awesome artist but not good enough of an artist to overcome sexual assault. Yeah, I'm a non source-checking cunt but hey we all bomb once in a while here

So what ? That asshole still did it.