Where do the boys go when the show is over for good?

0  2014-05-06 by HowardsDentures

Op will probably spin records on Lithium and never touch the hot mics. Ant could get a show on Fox News, or just do a conservative radio show for them. Jimmy's Vice show will take off and he will replace Jimmy Fallon as host of the Tonight Show.

It'd be interesting if Opie and Anthony went head to head with shows on MSNBC and Fox.


I hope Opie's wife leaves him for a black guy.

Ant has twin girls with his girlfriend....who then moves in with a black guy.

Bob Levy gets The Tonight Show.

I hope Opie's wife leaves him for a black guy.

Or a skateboarder.

And then The Tonight Show leaves Bob Levy for a black guy


And then the black guy leaves her for a black guy, and the black guy leaves the black guy for a black guy.

You did the same joke twice, you moron. Plus, you're probably white, which makes your post even gayer and disturbing.

nobody cares

Anthony's imagine will serve as a pro Ukrainan, anti-Russian, propaganda. Many will die and suffer in the honor and glory of Cumia.

U hittin the ole crack pipe there op?


Opie will finance and revive his elevator show. Anthony will be thrown in prison for flying his drone to close to a plane. Jimmy will come out publicly with his AIDS because he thinks it will help his career. He dies of said AIDS before he sees a dime. Denny will die for our sins.... And his hard drive of hits will be all we have left to listen to.

This entire thread is filled with bad jokes

Yeah, a lot of threads just seem to UNRAVEL.


It would be interesting and funny to see FoxNews give Anthony a show that rivals The Daily Show. Mr. Cumia is basically the only funny republican I've ever really heard. Even though doing a right wing comedy show would have way less funny material (Cuz the republican party is way sillier and easy to poke fun at) But still, having a political comedy show on FoxNews would be very beneficial to the channel as well as the party in general. Can they pull it off? Thats a different story, but it would definitely be interesting to see. And Opie would certainly be fine on his own. You guys don't give him enough credit. It seems like he really enjoys having Soder on. Opie can just start a new show with Soder and it would be great. And Sam doing a show with Whoo Kid and Nicole would be awesome. I miss the after show. Lastly Jimmy has a million different options, anything from TV to radio, Norton would have no problem finding a new gig. Jim Norton is the quickest comic on earth. Noone is funnier than him off the dome

Red Eye is going to be about as good as it gets for conservative humor

Howard Stern was pretty fuckin conservative. Go listen to his old shows if you don't believe me. I've never heard someone defend the beating of Rodney King, the lynching of OJ Simpson supporters (who happened to mostly be a certain demographic), the Vietnam War, the Iraq War, his right to call people mongoloid retards, bombing other countries, etc. I would bet money he had responsibility in getting Guiliani elected. He bashed Dinkins nonstop and couldn't wait for him to be thrown out of office in some of these shows I've listened to.

At the very least, his views on criminal justice would be considered extremely far-right.

Hmm, I'll have to give them a listen, never listened to old Howard but I've always heard it's amazing. The NYC politics is before my time and I wasn't in NY then anyway so I can't say anything about that. I just don't think conservative humor could work in this day and age, with the whole popularity of hating conservatives and just anyone who makes a decent amount of money. It seems to be cool now to be poor and people look down upon those who come from money, and young people who have money.

Ant has a massive heart attack, opie gets divorced and fails as a film producer and Jimmy will work weekends at Bananas and the Funny Bone

Danny's at it again.

People who address commenters as if they are certain it is someone is really annoying. Give it up

This is the best answer in the thread. Ant looks like a sickly dog. Opie's wife will not put up with his stupid shenanigans around the house. And Jim won't give up his faltering stand up career, and will begin to alienate his friends as they become more successful than him, eventually succumbing to his suicidal thoughts.